Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

That’s assuming there are no plans…

I guess it’s worth a try.

We found out that the commonwealth vehicles will not all go to the British TT. Thanks to people asking…

Im not expecting any comment on this matter until the update itself is close to dropping

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mostly dominated by F14s???
what the hell

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I doubt IRIS-T and if they were an option, the ASRAAM on the Tornados would make far more sense

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How do I submit my question? or is it all a montage?

They just release it

I swing for the fences. We’ve had what feels like decades of discussion about the next UK plane to come to the game, and Smin has been very generous and helpful in framing things today.

I just want to know if there’s any thought about it at all. They’ve been entirely hush about it thus far. Just a minor acknowledgement that the Flanker has been thought about, visualized, modelled, anything basically would be tremendously exciting. Even if it means waiting a few more major patches.

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how about we dont get any Imaging seeker missiles any time soon, to make sure its somewhat playable

I think it’s mostly about concerns brought up here and by CCs during the dev server.

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Yeah. There’s only one top tier missile bus with capability, and that’s the F-14. I’m not saying top tier is dominated overall, just that only one plane in top tier can play that role at this time.

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Yeah, A Tornado Gr1 (and by extension IDS) total overhaul would be great.

  • ECM
  • BOL
  • Chaff
  • CBUs, ALARM, JP233, Sea eagles
  • Dechirped Aim9Ls
  • completed flight model
  • completed cockpit HUD

Would practically be the same as adding a new aircraft/

(this is on-topic, as several items on this list has been confirmed to be WIP, like BOL rails)

Same goes for F15 and Su27.

Hell… I won’t be able to chase Morvran without a plane.

hmmm… he didnt say they arent planing them 🤔

Just tell him the UK is a major nation that isnt oppressed and he’ll come running.

f14 is so obsolete, its not even funny

I always had that doubt. Interesting to know, thank you.


you wont be getting an answer for that until final days before update i hope you know that


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