Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

People ask me why do I sit here and this is the reason way with the Chinese leak and Smin responses I can dream happy that Britain one day can be in the Meta

Wow, sure a dreamer, huh? At least untill EF if it will not be crippled

can’t wait for EF to be released after F-22

i will make sure it wont

F-14B is not obsolete. If you think that, surely another obsolete missile bus isn’t a problem then.

As exciting as it is to see these leak lists possibly include the Su-27, I really am not expecting it at all in the next patch. At this point, with Fox-3’s not necessarily coming to the game, I’m expecting a game engine update (full of random features that may or may not be all that great/interesting/beneficial), no Su-27, no R-77’s, a crippled ass early Su-24 that will be fun for carpet bombing if the BR is low enough, some sort of rank VIII Soviet tank, and some random ass premium vehicles that may be worth purchasing.

In other words, I’m setting expectations low, and only counting on Grippen and a new Brit jet on top of all of that.

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What might be one and the same


There is no need destroying what little top tier balance there is by adding F15 and Su27 as they are so far beyond anything else for most nations that top tier would be a 2 horse race again

No way lmao, F-14B is great and really only needs maybe 9M upgrade.
It’s still a fantastic jet that I fly regularly

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Sound like something they would do though

Indian Mig-29 or a Mirage 2000 please

Being Canadian is not really an argument, which is proven by the errors in your previous statements. But we’ve already proven time and time again in this thread that people simply choose to remain ignorant on how the monarchy works, either the British Monarchy or the Canadian Monarchy. If you genuinely want to have a discussion on the subject, we can do so in PMs or in an another thread.

F-14 no matter if A or B lack in the metrics that decide if a plane is good or bad for ARB TopTier

F14s have not good enough flight performance for ARB
F14s have lackluster armament compared to other 12.0s or 12.3s (they just have alot of it)
F-14B has a ton of flares wich is good but still not good enough performance to get you out of situations
also AIM-54 is not a good missile and not the king of BVR when R-27ER/ER1 exist (no, just bc some afk players die to AIM-54s does it not make the missile good)
also the size and the “bugged” damage model (t pose when xray) also make f14s mid at best

The chaos that would cause and i would love it

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I sit here waiting for the day when Smin simply says “there are no plans for Argentine planes on the horizon.” He would feel an inner peace and enjoy playing WT again.

The thing is, he never says “no,” but they never come.

As a child I played with my dog, with a piece of meat. I showed him the meat, I made him smell it, but he never gave it to him lol. Poor animal, now I know what he must have suffered.

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I know how it works

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No more Indian vehicles should be added to UK, except Arjun.

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Daily yes :)


Su-27 + F-15 alongside universal Fox-3 (neither of the aforementioned planes can shoot them, or get them, Fox-1&2 busses) for other planes and all minor nations would make for a ton of holiday chaos, and would be really fun imo.

Plenty of planes are lackluster here, MiG-29 still has FM problems to name just one.

The only thing better than an AIM-7M are the R/ER/ET’s. They are limited to two pylons. You still have an amazing chance of splashing multiple planes by having so many. You can’t say the same for any other plane in the game.

If the F-14B can’t get out of it, no one can.

Lastly, I agree re:AIM-54 mostly a useless missile, although the 54C is not as bad as some complain.

Needs to be added ASAP

indian mig 29k, take it our leave it