Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

so what i am hearing out of this , is that iris t would be perfect additions for the tornados xD they are the frogfoot in this case

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No that’s a good grab man. Screencap and archive too.

What are the chances for a dev blog tomorrow?

Well I mean by technicality yes that is true :p

But in all seriousness please god no

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Unlikely. I think we are looking at this Friday at earliest if not next week.

Iirc smin said dev blog chances for this week are low.

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@Smin1080p do you play war thunder?

Almost zero.

Smin later on confirmed that this doesnt mean that all nations at once are getting AMRAAM missles, just that the PL-12 will be added with missles of similar capabilities

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but there is a chance!

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So if Britain is not getting any more Harriers because the CAS is fill up then if the premiums IDS to go of from then yea it’s got to be a fighter

@Smin1080p Sorry for the question, some of us find the wait too long. Thanks for the prompt response.

Is there a way to get this same question (the one I just asked you) to the developers, for the next QA?

you will only get the standard company answer, yes they will come at one point , most likely

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They do a Q&A every update know but for the Update

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I’ve seen him play so yes

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I used to 3d models to compare mig-29 and f-15🤓
Compared to F-15


hey uhm so you know the Logo was fan made right?

I’m gonna do it.

@Smin1080p Recent discussion in this thread has lead many to the conclusion that the earlier Su-27’s were not capable of utilizing any “Fox-3” missiles without changes to the plane itself.

Given this fact, it seems that the Su-27 would be the perfect missile bus for the USSR (and China), which would help balance out an area of the game mostly dominated by the F-14. Has there been discussion about implementing the earlier Flankers into the game before a massive rollout of “Fox-3” missiles?

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Guys stop pinging him please give him a break