Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

It has the capability of carrying Hellfires, but despite that such loadouts were never truly fitted, so idk how viable the heli would be in game

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I wouldn’t be surprised Romania became a sub-tree of Yugo if that nation were added independently, though I wouldn’t entirely agree with such additions personally.

It is far from an impossibility though, as Romania could hardly sustain an independent.

We gotta keep making more problems with international relations.

U.S sends more military equipment to Taiwan and China blockades more Pacific countries.
E.U needs to unify a military and send more equipment to Ukraine and Russia gets more equipment from China and Iran. /s

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Canadian ADATS didn’t need a subtree

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5-6 days after this was created and we almost made 3rd part.

Please pile in friends.


Eat me

We already know that a Chinese naval branch is in development, that was announced in Q&A alongside their heli tree: [QA] Answers from the developers - News - War Thunder

Is it possible we will see a full Chinese Helicopter and Naval tree in the future?
Yes, we have plans for a Chinese helicopter research tree. This will not be such a hard task due to an already good amount of vehicles which we can choose from. Also China has their own domestic designed helicopters. With the Naval research tree, which we also have in our plans, it is an entirely opposite situation and hence, more complex.

We even saw ongoing development proven by assets in the files, the PRC flag was added to the section for naval vehicle textures when those were not yet interchangeable:

This later Q&A covers how Israel 's fleet tree would be implemented: [QA] Answers from the developers - News - War Thunder

With the split between Blue-Water Fleet and Coastal Forces, is it possible we could see some nations receive an example of one tree but not the other? For example where examples of smaller boats are harder to find or the opposite where one navy does not have lots of examples of larger warships?
We think it is possible, but first we will try to add to the game fleets of those nations which have both fleet research trees.

Now that France is beginning to receive it 's NF trees, the remaining techtrees which do not yet have Naval branches are only a matter of time.
They might be waiting for regular introductions of missile-armed ships and submarines to implement these trees, in place of the large gun-armed ships found in the current ones. But we’ve seen that those types of vessel are already being developed, so it 's no bigger constraint on them than elsewhere.


France is an outlier though.
We’ve been a naval power for centuries and have a sufficient list that can still be added. It taking so long is bad for any other navies to be put together.


No chance, Romania has been the exclusive province of the Italy techtree since the addition of the IAR 81, as have the other minor members of the Axis: [Development] I.A.R. 81-C: Supporting the Axis - News - War Thunder


Things change.


Not this one, it 's how they covered the introduction of Hungary to Italy - started from this statement.


You can’t know that.


EAP is back on the table, I made a ‘post’ (it’s a comment on my original post), it would still be relevant even if AMRAAM does come this patch. Plus its an infinitely less messy option than Commonwealth additions.

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simn already denied it tho so unless he came out and said it was coming it wont be, and besided EAP is the worst options, the DA2 would be far more balanced

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That is a relic of when War Thunder was a WW2 game. Although I would support Romania taking part in the Hungary sub-tree. A researchable IAR-81 would be nice. Israels US vehicles were removed when it became a full tree.

Lets move this to the other thread


He said unless new information appeared it did not really suite game criteria, I found new information, which shows it was designed to be modernised to a weapons capable platform.

Also it ain’t the worst option, it would have HMS, Foxhunter radar which is one of the best and incredible flight performance.

About Romania, there is also this answer from the Italian discord:

Btw, I updated my Romanian-Hungarian AF subtree:



Sure I can, it 's what they said themselves, ex:



Yeah, I reckon they should give it the Yak-141 treatment.
France, even more so than Russia, needs it as a stop gap between the M2k abd Rafale.