Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1) - #10089 by Deathmisser.

Previous discussions:


@Deathmisser Its up

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Yeah. Its really annoying. They got 12.3s before 2 nations even had 11.7. But 3 nations other than US or USSR getting 12.7s before they do is unthinkable

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Jeez took a while for part 2

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Wooooooo yeaaaah baby

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Nah that is it for me until some interesting news or Devblogs as I don’t want to annoy Smin

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Gn m8


Hopefully you’ll wake up to a dev blog ;)


Ahhh good fun


True, but the devblog for AJ mentioned a similar story to Fox 3s in that it would appear when other nations get comparable aircraft.

It’s in the realm of plausibility and can be configured as Gaijin wants, as they have done other aircraft in the past yea. It just makes more sense to have XF-2A with APG-68 PD radar (same as F-16C radar currently in game with TWS and all) and just have it show up earlier then a proper F-2 early with AESA later.

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Hopefully : D

G’night yall

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I feel like we’ve been running through each jet gen far too fast and are now missing so many airframes.

Should have spent 1-2 years before moving on. Same thing for the ground but it is just not as bad.

We were barely in fourth gen before Gaijin started dipping its toes into 4.5th gen, while some nations were still at third gen.

yeah, we should have done. I still really want my late Jaguar or Buc. Those would be fun

Ground is much less prone to this because the jumps in technology just aren’t as big. A 2A7V would still be vulnerable to a SEP for example.


True though Japan has a record in the game for introducing new mechanics such as the first main cannon autoloader (Chi-ri), first recoilless and double barrle gun tank, first pneumatic suspension system tanks etc.

I would not be mad if the the F-2 is introduced solely first for AESA mechanics.


I’m still mad that they blitzed through 3rd gen so fast. Now its too late for a lot of those planes since they’ll be fighting all-aspect missile premium spam.


This is why I don’t get why so many people are asking for Fox-3s and F-15/Su-27.

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Because the cat is already out of the bag. Fox 3s are basically required at this point for several nations to get anything even close to comparible.

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