Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

For Fox-3s, it’s to allow some nations to catch up to the Big 2. For the F-15s and Su-27s, it’s greed, fanboying, not caring about balance, or a combination of these.


Agreed about that bit. F-15 and Su-27s are not required even slightly and whilst I’d love the Typhoon ASAP. Sea Harrier FA2 is where my money is at. Would be very far from OP, maybe not even on par with F-16Cs and Mig-29SMTs. But certainly a lot better than the F3


As a primarily ground player, it feels like they added post-war and then rushed to modern without letting any other part of the game catch up.

So I’m fighting WW2 in Leopard 2s, Abrams, Challenger and missile boxes.


Smins statement about not all nations getting ARH missiles at the same time has given me a modicum of hope that third gens and underperforming fourth gens (Tornado) will get them first.

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The 50s are super compressed in both the ground and air trees.

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Yeah, that is an incredible boost to hope. FA2 with 2x AMRAAM (In theory could carry four, but Id have no issue with them capping it to only 2) vs the current set of 12.3s with SARH I think would actually be fairly balanced.

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Wasn’t the Mitsubishi T-2 the first aircraft with 20mm Vulcan also?

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Its not too bad in ground, I feel there was plenty of time between the first mid-cold-war vehicles and “modern” vehicles. The problem is 1945-~1965 is compressed to hell. And its really noticeable since you have ~1930-1945 spread across 4-5 tiers and 6 whole battle ratings and then the next 20 years is one rank and just about 2 battle ratings.
Air is just totally screwed in this area, and people are begging Gaijin to do the same thing to Naval as well. almost maliciously sometimes


Decompression might be the only christmas present from Gaijin I would be happy with other than the top tier aircraft we’ve been promised. So many aircraft that I just dont touch, full stop. Because its pointless to even think about flying them most of the time

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Thought to be fair, air technology did change rapidly from the mid 40s to the 60s. So much so that it isn’t surprising that they’d have trouble balancing it, but its clear that they don’t seem to care enough to really try.

I was talking about gameplay.

It works for WW2 as for the most part the war was mobile warfare(and tanks were built for the most part for that) but modern tanks are built to be put into a hole in the ground and used like artillery or towed anti-tank guns.

War Thunder’s biggest problem is that it’s still built around WW2 despite being decades past it with tech.

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Just need to look at Britain to see how little they care

Phantom FGR2 and FG1 got hard denied their Aim-9Ls because it would force a BR increase

But the F3 with Better radar, Aim-9Ls and Better BVRs is at the exact same BR as the Phantoms

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Really noticable in ASB, where you have Gen 4 fighters, capable of reaching up to 1.5 Mach. Have objectives to intercept waves of bombers or attackers at barely 5000ft. The gamemodes havent been updated in years. Those same waves at top tier could be 40k ft and it wouldnt be an issue

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Yeah, and to think we, who already made it to top tier, have it rough, imagine what its like for someone who is just getting their first 9.3 and encountering an A-10 for the first time.

In a flareless subsonic fighter, no less

yeah, I recently went back and tried to spade the Jaguar Gr1 (originally just skipped it and spaded the Gr1A instead) and my god… It was actually, genuinely, impossible. I gave up.

Meh. Tanks are and always have been about making firepower mobile (except maybe ww1 in which they were metal boxes). The difference now is that firepower has topped mobility and armor in a way that hasnt existed since ww1. Therefore, tanks stay in place not because they arent supposed to move, but because nobody is moving anything in this new form of static warfare.

Ideally tanks would be flying around all over the place, but rn firepower advances have made them too vulnerable, at least until mobility and protection technology catch up.

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Lads theres already 40+ messages lets gooo


Ah yes it brought the Vulcan and technically the first radar lead indicator too (also first jet trainer if you want to count that)

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We haven’t even had a proper devblog and we are already on part 2 smdh

Part 3 when?..