Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Gr7 should have gone to 11.3 with Aim9Ls.

Gr9A with Aim9Ms. HMD. The 107 engine, Sniper Tpod and 6x Brimstone. Would have given us a capable 12-12.3 CAS jet.

Let’s see the CF-18/188 or Canadian Hortnet is one of the planes being asked for.

The US version isn’t being asked for the Canadian or Australian one is. And as a Canadian plane, its best fit is the UK right now. (the Canadian says so. but I’m just a player I don’t have any say)

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I’m willing to bet a C&P South African JAS-39C

100% LERX as well maybe?
Like Italian AV-8B Plus has

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Yep, I think so. Plenty to make the Gr9 unique from the Gr7

Britain already has quite capable top tier (11-11.7) CAS. Its not what we are currently focused on. We don’t have Brimstone in game currently. So as of right now, it would not be a significant step.


Sweden can get the Strv 123 once they built one of those.

Right, so, still a foreign plane in a foreign tree.

So the new thing that UK will get is a fighter, right?


Oh boi.

Im sure this thread will react to this in a reasonable manner.


As always then ))


We getting some hints… Alright

I admire your patience with us


A plane from a nation not in-game into a nation it has ties to.

Maybe, but its a fraction of what it could be.

Tornado Gr1 is missing a mountain of features and weapons.

Harrier Gr7 is still missing MAWS

Both could do with TIALD 500s over their current 400s.

But we’ve also had nothing in 9 months. Unless you are confirming AMRAAM next update. The only options left are F18 or Gr9A

will result in a discussion that scratches any harrier variant as addition from UK, so it is either the Tornado FOP , the grippen or the canadian cf 18 or a suprise visitor we dont know about

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why are the devs soo stuborn to add this round to the leclercs? at leats the azur and the 21… leo 2A6 came directly with DM56, you cant say that the F2 is imba round…

leclercs have the advantage of the fastest reload thats why

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What is that?

In terms of military, politics, diplomacy, and technology, it has more ties with the US in the time period we’re talking about.