Britain Air Forces

I feel the exact same to be honest, my only prayer is it’s not a Tornado. Harrier I can make work just about, Tornado is not even usable.

I’d prefer a hawk with 9ms than another harrier/tornado tbh

IIRC Smin was very careful and said ‘aircraft’ not fighter, which means Tornado is a possibility as a domestic option, as is the Harrier as a fleet air defence aircraft.

But hopefully we do indeed get a fighter.

I’m in exactly the opposite camp, I do not want to be flying a Sea Harrier at top tier. If it was a Harrier II airframe like the AV-8B+ is, I would be slightly more OK with it. The Tornado might be a brick but 9Ms and AMRAAM would already make it significantly more capable to the point where its poor agility almost doesn’t matter.

I’d unironically have a blast in the Hawk 200, plus I swear it has the good ADEN’s and not the 30mm’s.

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For what it’s worth he also said this:

Note that when he says top tier is 11.0 - 11.7 here, I think he just means the CAS options we already have and in relation to ground RB, not indicative that the new aircraft will also be in that range.

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Yeah, If Britain got regular, interesting additions like the Hawk. The lack of top tier wouldnt be quite as painful

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The pre-production model had two internal ADEN 25, production Hawk 200s use the centerline gunpod like the older Hawks

I suppose that’s true, but if everyone has the same stick you are still stuck with FOXHUNTER which compared with at least the PS-05 is worse. I don’t know, I guess we will just have to make whatever we get work.

That’s a fair interpretation.

Ahh thats a right shame as i’m sure the pre-production would have had some sort of significant downside but the singular centreline 30mm would be insanely hard to use at top tier.

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Time for a Hawk 200 suggestion propaganda


would be really nice with 9L’s at 10.3/10.7

The only main downside to the pre production Hawk 200 would be lack of integration of later weapons like ASRAAM and AMRAAM. Although that arguably works in its favor as it’s subsonic


11.0 with Skyflashes… Leave the sidewinder only for the 100 series :)


BAE Hawk 100 (early): Britain's Bird of Prey (i)
BAE Hawk 100 (late): Britain's Bird of Prey (ii)


Hawk will be the new spitfire of the tree…

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My thoughts exactly, if it sacrificed SKYFLASH then maybe not worth it but as a low(er) tier missile bus with some decent flight performance clean it would be great.

On the topic of trainers… Please Gaijin the Gnat, it is the direct response to things like the G/91 and CL-13.

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And (maybe) the lack of wing tip pylons on the earlier one too, I have to check that, but I haven’t seen them on the early except that mockup I found, which idk if would be enough for Gaijin to consider it.
*The mockup:


I mean, we could just say this is one of the prototypes heh


@Headnaught what would be the possibility of adding something like the Gnat MK.2 as the wing was built, engine was partially (?) built and due to be mated to a standard Gnat fuselage before it was cancelled?

Hawk is something that should have been added years ago (how many times do we say that) to be honest. Even still, I’d take something fun to fly over another brick with “good” missiles.

Yeah. In the absence of anything “top tier”

  • Any Hawk
  • Jaguar Gr3A
  • Buc S2B
  • Avro Vulcan

and then finish the Tornado IDS and I would be very happy

(You defo cant tell that I like mud moving :P )

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