Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

if the plane is so useless it needs an Invisibility cloak to work at 9.3 then it shouldnt be added

an A6E SWIP would be a better addition

I didn’t say it needed an invisibility cloak, I said don’t give it one, the F-117 will work fine at 9.3-10.0 with or without stealth.

because it doesn’t carry Unguided bombs either there is simply no use for it in Air RB

imagine grinding that thing with just 2 GBUs

it has to be a premium, there is no other OK way to implement it

Sure make it a premium event vehicle, they do exist.

Planes already don’t render, this is the last thing we need

Interesting the CF-100 got passed.

It does carry unguided bombs, and there’s POTENTIAL for Sidewinders, but that would be a stretch, also I did mean player markers, it should be render like every other aircraft, but player markers should be either removed for it or severely reduced, otherwise the stealth is almost useless

where do you have the info from that it used Unguided bombs too?

wow you’re fast at noticing that

thing is long overdue tbh Just like the leaked Gnat

although I still believe in Gnat this update

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So this might be a stretch, but I’m fairly certain any US pylon that can carry a JDAM can carry a dumb bomb, I know I know, I’m extrapolating here, but as a counterargument, show me any US plane that can carry JDAMs and not dumb bombs

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This one might be a dummy, but I’m pretty sure you can find pictures of live dumb bombs in it’s bomb bay.

Unguided bombs sure, but sidewinders are a huge stretch, the F-117 didn’t have external hardpoints so they would have to be in the bomb bays which means they wouldn’t be able to get a lock before they were launched, and the F-117 doesn’t have any other systems that would really allow them to see a target without direct line of sight from the missile as the F-117 was designed as a pure surgical strike aircraft, get in unseen, drop payload, get out unseen.

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Agreed, the only evidence we have is a retired F117 pilot who said that a secondary mission of F117s was to engage enemy AWACS, with sidewinders, but they would face exactly the problems you have stated, so even if Gaijin took that pilots word and gave them Sidewinders, it would be difficult to use them, though I suppose it could just be, when you activate the seeker, the doors open and the missile is revealed, then either you launch, and the doors close, or you stop the seeker and the doors close

I imagine it would work the same way as the F-106 (when btw?). Bomb bay doors open and the missiles are lowerd downward exposing the seekers. Though I doubt the USAF would’ve actually used it for that porpoise.

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so the only evidence is some random guy said so?

I remember my dad telling me from his time in the Kosovo that the A-10 couldn’t carry anything external and shot radioactivr bullets

doesn’t mean we get a Gun only A-10 in game either

That is what I said yes, and I did emphasize that with my full caps POTENTIALLY

Why are you even talking about the F-117 ?

some guy said someone read on reddit that someone else posted Classified F-117 documents on the forum

aka I have no Idea either, im just here to look for updates on the Gnat situation

Some guy did post restricted documents on the forum for the F-117, I saw it first hand.

Also the F-117 is an interesting aircraft to talk about because it would have a strange spot in the game