Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

It’s not nice to say something like that.Specially when the person is absent from the discussion.

Do moderators get paid for their work?

then why do they know whats coming next update, or rather, this year

He just speculated that.It was his own opinion

i already said it wasnt, he literally told me that tech mods also get to know some info

Maybe some how he was able to get some Insider information

the russian thread clearly said it is his speculation, nothing confirmed

Well, they work with them, they sit in those things so they get some look inside. Not everything but something at least

Why is wrong to poke fun at someone just because they are ascent? So I can also only make fun of politicians if they are in the room with me? lol k
Anyway, enough off-topic for me. I’m out again.

literaly says it seems to me, he doesnt confirem anything, it is only his speculation

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bruh, im not talking about the helper god damn

are you blind

then who are you talking about?

the tech mod who said gripen is coming


which was later on confirmed by real gajin stuff as well, and i already said as well that they do get some info because they can acces suggestion / bug reports or it was communicated to them to be allowed to share

Oh you mean the moderator who confirmed it on the old forum

was internetfleet if i remember right

tech mod is player

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