Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)


No, russia/ussr would sell weapons to thier enemies. They already had r73 and never received new weapons. In fact the one thing I have seen on the conversion invloved them removing the wiring for the seeker cooling system for r27t/et. Nothing added armament.

Edit:wait i think you’re referring to in game. Nevermind.

only us mains expected the t90m to perform as if its invincible, no sane russian main would think the t90m would replace the bvm

also no, t90m is competitive even without heavy era

Even more player xD


I’m not saying it’s bad. It’ll definitely perform worse then the T-80BVM if they don’t add heavy ERA.

Which if they do, they need to tweak volumetric for ERA and give modern rounds to the west.

if it’s in reference to those images of theT-90 at a petrol station the US is testing, the ERA was dismounted and shipped separately due to being explosives, and as such having specific regulations regarding its transport.

What heavy era you talking about
Its enough to put relict in front to be almost invicible in war thunder

They need != They will do
We already have relict in game, but dont have rounds to penetrate in front projection KONTACT 5

As well as we dont have rounds that perform realistically against era

DM73 has next to zero information about it available, M829A4 too.

3BM59, or 60, or eventually, Vacuum-1/Vacuum-2, are not in some unique position in the game.

To be honest, 3BM69 isn’t in service because only the T-14 is designed to use it.

DM73, M829A4, and SHARD are in service and we know enough about them to get a rough estimate of how they perform.

T-90M without Relikt is just a T-90S. The armor layout, which includes a lot of Relikt, as well as new sensors/imagers is what makes a T-90M a T-90M.

They need to overhaul ERA, or at least start explaining the in-game mechanic. Not sure volumetric changing makes a big deal. Volumetric would mostly just effect shells in general.

Changing those mechanics are about as important as BR decompression, something Gaijin is always hesitant to do. So I wouldn’t count on ERA/Volumetric changes happening.

Modern Western rounds are already here basically. DM53 is pretty much the best round in the game, other than L27A1. DM63 and M829A3 would be appropriate, anything beyond that would probably be excessive.

That was a T-90A, and it shipped with all of it’s Kontakt-5 still attached.

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DM73 uses the same penetrator that DM53, but with a different propellant; that went fired from the L/55 has a muzzle speed of 1780m/s.


Hence why DM63 and M829A3 would be resonable to add.

ERA is not modelled accurately in game, and neither are penetrators. It’s all formulaic, not physically rendered and simulated.

Yes, and I’m talking about 3BM59, the DU version of the 60 which has better penetration performance and is the best round available for every tank in the USSR/RU tree so far.

Yes fix British era

Both perform roughly the same given identical geometry (22mm x 640mm) and muzzle velocity (1660m/s WHA vs. 1650m/s DU). WHA vs DU debate only made sense for low velocity cannons (<1600m/s).

3BM60 is the best APFSDS Russia will have until the Armata.

we still dont have even M829A3)

The problem is that it should have already been added, were just stuck with Escargot’s arbitrary idea of “Balance”

the main problem here, as was mentioned earlier - is wrong working ERA.
So that even A3 shell would be useless.
As well as DM53 and DM63, that also must overcome ERA, but God said no(