Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

The 3BM59 has only slightly more penetration than 3BM60 by about 10mm, between 710 and 720.

The difference between SHARD and DM73 is instead of about 780mm it’s about 770mm while carrying slightly more mass for post pen. M829A3 has 730mm while apparently M829A4 has apparently 840mm? The penetration calculator is strange on that one, I’m not exactly well trained on it either.

Last I knew the add-on armor for the T-80BVM had Relikt sandwiched with nonreactive components. So I could have worded myself better.

The problem is that Russian era needs to be down tuned with volumetric fixes while the nerfs to western equipment need to be taken off slightly.

I ended up calculating perforation. The general idea is still the same
3BM59 isn’t a wonder round compared to 3BM60, while there are still two more generations of APFSDS for the west that are specifically designed to outmatch Relikt.

israel needs a FOX-3 Platform, F-15C or F-16I both could come, japan needs a FOX-3 platform, Mitsubishi F-2 i dont think soo, soo F-15C for japan too.

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he probably means the ERA bags being replaced by metal cages, with era inside, on all sides



huh? what?

here m8 :)

Japan has two Fox-3 platforms that actually entered service beyond testing, those being the F-2 and the F-15J/DJ

Again you are using the “they entered service” reason that is not valid now

It is valid.

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Ok then let’s remove the Yak 141 and the 279 and other prototypes :)


The captured T-90 we saw in the US was just a T-90A. You can easily tell by the lack of a commanders ITV and if course the fact that all the panels for mounting Contact 5 are the exact same as on any other T-90A and we see no signs of modernization associated with the T-90M

Yeah, you go ahead and convince gaijin to remove those

Dunno why it’s so hard for you to understand that prototypes and aircraft from another nation being tested or proposed are two different pairs of shoes.

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wasn’t the era on it removed and transported separately

I don’t want to lose the Sea Meteor though >:(

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may be, may be not
because i saw several sources, that describe even KONTAKT-5 as the “heavy ERA”. So may be he meant all soviet high tier ERA at all

Well he us using the it wasn’t in service argument so everything that wasn’t must go :P

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I guess gajin might consider 1 fighter aircraft with ARH platform this year but not F-2A late because it’s 4+ gen fighter, fitted AESA radar, equipped & access fox 3 and gajin not ready consider add 4+ gen fighter toptier in 2024-2025

Luckily the XF-2A is a thing
And since the F-16AJ already is fictional there wouldn’t be much of a problem to add one with AMRAAMs

See for yourself
You can clearly see that at the very least, all the panels that hold the Kontact 5 ERA are the exact same as any T-90A, and like I said, the commanders sight is missing, and if you look up other pics, the back turret ammo storage isn’t present either, all confirming that it’s just a T-90A

I want War Thunder to continue being realistic & balanced, rather than imbalanced in some power fantasy you seem to endorse.
T-80BVM’s characteristics existed in the 1990s: No turret armor, and good hull armor which cqb maps negate as front armor is only seen on mid-range maps.
3BM60 performs similar to OFL 120 F1, and both are vastly inferior to M829A2.
And 2S38 fires real rounds, which is why it’s 10.0 and not lower.

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who knows the snail might just make it a t90m any way