Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Sea harrier FA2 or F-18 would definetly be at least managable at 12.3. We wont be truly competitive until the Typhoon

Yep, still no chance of them. DA2 would be:

Engines from the Tornado F3
A radar a little more powerful than the one found in the FA2
Loadout would probably be 6x Aim-9, 4x Aim-120
Limited flight performance due to missing features of the full production
No A2G

Still got a hard denied

Also gib thrust vectoring F-16


Not to mention SAAF was denied softly until recently again I think right?

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Well… its an unarmed demostrator of the BAE ACA, which is currently being researched by a few to see what weapons it could have. Maybe about the same as the Gripen C by all accounts

They are the same tank btw, just different Nicknames (at least im fairly certain that is the case)

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Turns out that is no longer

From the little bit I read OES is just TES in a different configuration

Its what happens when a 2E gets the same upgrades that makes the TES, but just more modern versions of the gear (I think).

So better optics, thermals, engine, etc.

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Smin meant that for the current MiG-29s at the time.

we’re gonna hit 10k before the devblogs even start

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He said they weren’t planned because of the superior flight characteristics compared to the Su-25, never stating specifically about only the at the time in game MiG-29s, and that doesn’t change the fact that the MiG-29SMT is still a MiG-29, completely undermining the argument that was given.


What happens when we cross the 10K mark?


Maybe it will summon Smin to deliver a sick roast to us hopium fueled troglodytes (we kinda deserve it)

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A new thread will automatically be made.

Denied for now, but if F-15s show up, maybe they’ll be next? That’s the idea anyway. It’s the same situation as the F-2. The only thing holding it back is AESA radars not being a thing. Once US gets something with AESA, F-2 is coming in easily.

The XF-2A only has a PD radar, so it could be added right now with AAM-3s and AIM-7Ms.

That is our hope… Though its really annoying that Before Britain, Germany and Italy are allowed to even consider our Gen 4, the US and USSR have to be equal or maybe even higher first. The thought that Britain, Germany and Italy might be the meta nations instead of US or USSR is apparently blasphemy to even consider.


Smin literally said not to trust anything they say thats a year or more old lol

Makes sense. Plans change over time.

Who could’ve foreseen WT in it’s current state, 10 years ago?

Personally I would hope its the other way around with Japan introducing AESA would be fitting for them historically speaking.

Uses AESA aswell its only rumored to have used a PD but its kind of in the air if it did or not.