Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I think the point still stands tho, obviously at some point someone had good info, because their are way to many obscure vehicles on the list that were revealed on the dev stream. Even if some vehicles were wrong or didn’t come, there are still to many right to chalk it up to pure luck and guess.

But hey, well see what happens with time, and when the first devblogs start to drop this week, well see if any of the “leaks” match up

Nah a person said they were different which would make sense.

part 1 still survive
any chance this topic can survive until the first dovbleg drop?

Speaking of the Raptor apparently a Phillipino FA-50 beat one lol.

Theres a gun cam photo and it did indeed interesting, sooo FA-50 when???


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What you are asking is impossible. I will be surprised if it survived until 9am gmt

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Sorry, typo

I’m on mobile xD

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Would be cool if it came with the F-15J but maybe it might be too much…


Well if its anything like we think based on its thread itll be R73 manuverability with 9M IRCCM if not better

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What I wanted to say was:

“Oh, FA-50 that sounds like a cool aircraft! It’s a trainer, so it shouldn’t be that difficult to implement. I do wonder where it’s from…”

Give it a few years.

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Its a really really cool little aircraft mach 1.5 I think iirc, and its block 2 upgrades getting Aesa gib

It would be shorter if Poland was the next nation and honestly South Korea should be with Poland

I want South Korea with Japan so bad tbh

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Didn’t gaijin said a few days ago it wouldn’t be in Japan

“Even if the Korean tree is released, there are no plans to follow the Japanese tree.”

Ok, so I’ve just read through it’s specs, and goddamn…

Calling this a “trainer” would be selling it short.

I immediately thought of the so-called Japanese “Helicopter Destroyer” that carries F-35, and the German “Frigate” displacing 10500 tonnes xD

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There were also no plans for supersonic aircraft at one point.



And IIRC both naval forces as a whole, and then later just battleships were denied at some point.


A month before the MiG-29SMT was revealed, R-73s were said to not be planned to be put on MiG-29s due to the superior capabilities of the platform, also.

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Tornado with ASRAAM could be something

None; it was an unarmed demonstrator
And if we get those F-15 ACTIVE when