Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Gaijin did say that Commonwealth will fill gaps where domestic cannot - This applies to every nation that CW encompasses, not just UK but of course the UK is the biggest one.

CF-18 / F/A-18A or B / JAS39C are all very much so on the cards for the UK

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I’d be happy with S.harrier FA.2 - If nothing else it’ll look ballin’ lmao

Unless the new top dog is the ground attack top dog, so a Gr4 /Gr9 with laser only brims(historical af but we are not ready for mmv seekers)

Depend wich “minor” nation you talk about

Yeah, that radar… Now that would be fun. Now I come at this with an SB perspective and things in that gamemode differ greatly from ARB but…

  • FA2 will still be able to turn fairly well with VIFF
  • God-tier radar
  • 4x Aim-9M with off-boresight thanks to radar
  • 2x AMRAAM
  • Limited Multirole payload

You’ll have to fly it smart, but should be at least fun.

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That is my other theory. THey’ll lean into our CAS history. I’d not have an issue with that, so long as it was truly ahead.

The Tornado Gr1 was a disapointment for me not because we got it over a gen 4 air superiority fighter like other nations. But that it was barely an upgrade over the Jaguar Gr1A. even though it should have been a quantum leap in capabilities and performance.

Just 2 AMRAAMs? Fairly sure it can mount up to 6 at a time on all it’s stations

the problem is that the f16c and smt are 2 updates ago now, that makes it more likely again, because they went “1” update without a new top tier addition, US got the Vark, but it doesnt count as a top tier

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Sea Harrier FA2 has 4 A2A pylons.

2 on the belly, 1 on each wing

the belly mounts are either 30mm ADEN or AMRAAM

The wing pylons are either:

  • 2x Aim-9L/Aim-9M/ASRAAM
  • 1x Aim-9L/Aim-9M/ASRAAM + BOL rail
  • 1x AMRAAM

So in theory you cna take a max of 4x AMRAAM, but i’d take the IR missiles

The other wing pylons are for 1-2 Mk13s bombs, a Sea eagle, Rocket pods or Fuel tanks. I dont think they are wired for A2A weapons

I dont know how they coped not getting a new top tier airframe for so long

does it have internal cannons as well, or you gotta go completly without cannons then?

On the other hand, if you give US/RU more stuff we’ll get to gen 4.5s quicker which means other nations can get their stuff too instead of everyone fighting for scraps or some prototype to throw in just to remain competitive.

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Gun pods only. Its the same gunpods on the FRS1 or like the Gunpods on the Gr7. But 30mm ADENS instead of the 25mm

the advance it way to quick, ground isnt keeping up, specialy better spaas are needed desperately

No cannons. They are removable. Replace with targeting pod on the normal ones and AMRAAM on Shar

And the game becomes unplayable for anyone who’s invested into anything but USA and RUS

It’s bad logic man

With 2 nations at only 11.3. can we at least give them a usable 12s before we start looking at giving the nations that just got 12.3s. 12.7s?

At the very least, you’re looking at 4 AIM-120Bs or 2x AIM-120 and 8 AIM-9Ms

And why not for once giving more stuff an 4.5+ for other nation for changing and not always having the same 2 nation that enjoy leading the meta ?

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8x Aim-9Ms? I think you mean 4. I dont think they ever carried 8

But yes. My planned loadout is:

3x Aim-9M + 1x BOL rail on the wings
2x AMRAAM on the belly
(and because of SB)
5x MK13s for a base kill

If it was the 25mm ADENS I’d think about a gunpod, but I hate the 30mms