Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Just look at some of the recent updates. Britain is desperate for a decent high tier IFV/AGM carrier. Something like Ajax or a later warrior. Gaijin knows this. The entire world knows this. What did we get? An Indian T-90 at a BR where we have 5 decent MBTs already.

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With a few minor rules bending the F-15 and the Su 27 can literally be added to almost all nation in game.
So if they can go all ham with this, this is the only time where gaijin can think about balancing rather than forget most of the nations in one full swoop.

Because by giving USA and RUS even more powerful vehicles at their already broken and leagues ahead lineups at top tier, they dont make the game better, they don’t close the capability gap, and they maintain a busted status quo

Russia and USA have literally 0 need for anything at top tier right now.

totaly legimate german f15 variants as well

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Yeah, If the Tornado F3 actually got the weapons it was upgraded to carry. It would actually be awesome. But in all likelyhood it will be Chirped 9Ms and Aim-120As or something

Chirps got a hard denial, so Nope normal 9M or 9L

I want to take your side here like usual Morv, but calling CR2 “decent” is a bit of a stretch at best LOL

aim 9l (i) is the european variant

Yeah thats what I meant. De-chrips got denied. So we’ll be stuck with placeholder Chirped (Normal) 9Ms


F-15 = US, Germany, Isreal, Japan & France
Su-27 = Russia & China
Gripen = Britain & Sweden

Maybe we will get it. 9M but with normal smoke motor

I was talking about the 10.3 line up. The Cr1s are okay and we have some flexability in the MBTs you can take.

Oh i get it now. I thought you ment dechirps as no one mention chirps while talking about normal ones

i still heard something about later 9l(i) versions haveing a smokeless motor as well, but i never found it again or someone able to hard deny it for me

F3 technically did briefly carry 9Ms; for the Sake of ease I’d guess those and they are slightly superior with the smokeless motor. Just a shame we dotn get our double lock range

From what i know they did not, but maybe?

I just assumed it was 9L with upgraded seeker so I assumed smokey motor. But I have no evidence either way

Managing expectations, especially when you main nations is important for these kinds of updates.

UK and SWE have already been told they’re getting new top tier kit. Why these two? because they’re the least capable countries in games. Obviously there’s been a focus put on them as a part of this update.
Given JAS39C is a MASSIVE leap for SWE, I suspect these two additions will be the stars of the show and focus on making everyone competitve, not add to an already USA and RUS focus

I’m not saying USA and RUS will and should recieve nothing- they always do. But don’t expect top tier F-15s and Su-27s when you JUST got a 4+ gen fighter jet and the SMT.
Maybe new weapons for them like R77 and AIM120 but I doubt new top tier airframes for the big three after they just got massive buffs


So a commonwealth to the UK then, as i cant imagine any local airframe being the top dog

if ARH is assymetrical. Then an airframe like the FA2 or even the F3 can use that to its advantage. in that kind of fight, ARH vs SARH could be reasonably balanced. The moment the current 12.3s got ARH as well though, it would be kinda DOA.

My hope is Sea Harrier FA2 this December with limited ARH addition. Then a commonwealth stop gap March update and then Typhoon either June or September.