Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Just think about those 4x ASRAAM :P

Tornado F.3 AOP*

If I was a betting man I’d guess the Sea Harrier FA.2 for UK if this is the SpAMRAAM update.

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Considering that the SHarrier FA.2 is right there, yes.

Without ASRAAM it wouldn’t be much higher than 11 ish. If it got AMRAAM then it would be much higher but the FA2 would outperform it

FSP and we can all sleep happly

tell that germany ground lol, theoreticaly a big money maker but was "ignored " if you compare it to US and USSR ground tree

Yeah, thats my bet too.

The Airframes is 99% already in the game, just need the radar (which I think is very similar to the Gripen’s)

My thoughts for UK are:

S.Harrier FA.2 for domestic
Gripen for copy/paste cop out value


Tornado F.3 AOP/CSP


And that will be all you will have, as AMRAAM without DL are very crippled

I’m not saying they’re coming but, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did get them or something else, but still top tier. If Gaijin had a bigger staff, everybody would get something every update, but alas time and manpower is finite.

I’d agree, except most minor nations could easily double if not triple their current trees with misisng vehicles

It’s just straight up bad business to neglect core parts of your game. There’s no way they’d do that big a leap

Yeah… fingers crossed we get a DL aircraft if we have a BVR truck. I just use CSP as the easy accronym for “Tornado F3 upgraded”

F3 Late :) but yea, no matter how much it annoys me, 90% know only about CSP and they take it as The upgrade

How are they neglecting it? They always manage to update systems while giving content at the same time.

it was already late :P

All the before I said was ‘most final WW2 era battleship can counter it, actually Yamato will be the one who suffer’ and you came back from where we start. Now I don’t know what to say.

i could see the su 27 and f15 happening with no arh missles, and other nations getting access to arh for once first , just i am sceptical of the supposedly ground premiums

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Ok, you got a point there. But not like they were completly late. Foxhunter stage 3 was one of the best radars and ASRAAMs + AMRAAM combo made it a deadly thing as long as it was not forced to utilise its planet sized turn raidus

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