Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Let’s get it to 10,000 before devblogs.



I would like to see the Centauro B2 for Italy, or maybe the Palmaria (SPG)

How did silent thunder work?

Were those 90s subs viable or ridiculous?

you guided torpedos

Was it fun?

Cuz i was making submarine trees and i stopped at the immediate post-ww2 era, until i remembered silent thunder was a thing.

i was clueless on how subs worked back then, didnt know what a sonar was or how to use it. i dont recall it being fun, but it was certainly interesting, all of its mechanics and stuff

excuse my ignorance and refusal to crawl through more than like, 2000 posts, but has there been an update to any vehicles that are rumored to come in the next update? i saw something about a leak but i couldn’t find the original post.

Not really, there’s been a few random lists posted but not many of them really correlate. One had 4 vehicles and one had about 40 and some were just random vehicles thrown together. Hopefully we’ll start getting devblogs this week and we can start to figure out whats actually coming.

“Man, 2S38 was such a BS addition”
Gaijin next patch:


Someone got too scared IG.


So far this is the only leak in my eyes that might have a chance, as they guy leaking this is the same guy who gave us the actual accurate leak list last patch. That being said, it’s not even a full list so yeah


i wouldnt say that, his list had a lot of wrong stuff as well, he might only have grabbed things out of air /took combined / datamined stuff into consideration

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There is no way they could of gotten this lucky with all their guess. Obviously some stuff didn’t come, but that didn’t make the list a fake. There is simply to much stuff that is accurate here for it to be lucky guesses.

For starters, there are several vehicles that came in the patch that we had no previous evidence for coming at all, like the F-111 or BTR-152D, especially the BTR-152 cus who would guess that?


has the rest of his leak been posted yet?

Unfortunately no

damn - wonder why only part got posted

So when did this one got leaked ?

first of all, that list wasnt from the same poster if i am right, the supposed one from the leaker u named was smaller, besides that the newest just smells to much like bullshit with the supposedly premium abrams and challenger

yeah right , i dont remember that list specialy

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Thursday could work. iirc Winged Lions started on the 30th. But that was also a pretty small update.

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orginial one was completly differently formated as well

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