Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Totally should be added cause cool

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The F-16AJ is way more paper than the RNZAF F-16s

It’s less them being paper and more that they weren’t ours.

The deal was cancelled, the RNZAF didn’t operate them.

The F-16AJ is a completely different case and I am getting tired of you and others bringing it up.

Tbh SA should of been in it own tree

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The South African tree gives you:

  • Rooikats as your light tanks, despite the numerous domestic light tanks operated and developed by the UK

  • More Centurions that face modern tanks

  • the TTD :c

  • The ZA-35 at 8.7 even though we have a domestic 8.7 SPAA

  • Garbage scout cars even though Britian has plenty of low tier garbage scout cars

  • Rooivalk 🤮

What we could’ve gotten:

  • LAVs

  • Domestic Light tanks

  • Canadian Leopards

  • Canadian Royal Air Force


I’m sure at the time it made sense (i’m not e legacy player i don’t remember if i was here before when it was added). But with the benefit of hindsight i very much wish it had been any other country in CANZUK.

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Even at the time, it was a very “uhh what?” Moment

I love the rooivalk and every single african tank and would take them over canadian stuff any day

Rooivalk might just be my most hated premium in the entire game lmao
You cannot dumb fire your missiles and be both zoomed in and moving at the same time.

The CCIP is always completely off screen because the rocket pods are pointed 45 degrees upwards :C

Ontop of that: no cockpit.

I’d like it if the UK could have a Canadian air subtree but iirc noone has one. But also lots of the canadian stuff is made by Avro Canada with partial financing from Avro UK. So we have more of a claim to things like Canuck than anyone else.

Not too concerned with ground as other than the lavs post-ww2 there’s not much thats not German and i’d really rather leo’s go to Germany.


Sweden has a air subtree, but thats out of sheer necessity.
Canada as it stands will continue to bring support, but its still up in the air wether the US or the UK gets that support

Tbh an Australian sub tree would of been better

Abrams and leos hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm

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Give us everything

TBF they can pull a similar stunt with the UK and the F-16 or F-14 as Grumman acknowledges the UK had a letter of intent to buy them if the Tornado ADV was delayed past 1983 (it was we just didn’t buy them anyway because we are cheap).

Equally so where is the UK M1a2. (I’m joking). Oh and did I mention it gets the DU inserts due to the UK-US deal?

A GDLS advertisement marketing the M1A2 to the UK, 1990. : r/TankPorn


Gib !

We should of done it because we still would’ve had them now and could of got the rest from us like the opposite of what happened to the harriers

The UK would benefit the most and the vast majority would be UK or Avro stuff and not American stuff.

Other than the CF-18 the rest was either native or heavily modified by the Canadian subsidiary of Avro. Including the CL-13 which had a new wing AND a new engine which the UK helped finance and design.

I’ve think I’ve broken him