Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Depends very much on data-link. Remember harrier’s are only just being slated to get MAWS and EWS was invented before datalink was first used and is absent in-game. It would certainly off-set it but terrain exists and radar missile’s can’t do much against that.

Yeah but that’s what we are gonna get LMAO (yes its obnoxious but i gotta laugh through the pain).

So the standard.

Yup they would certainly be the favourite. Worse radar then Gripen though but i’d take the flight performance trade-off (Gripen essentially uses a larger, revamped BV).

The US mains will riot more than the Russian mains did over the T-90 (although there were definitely other options (desert warrior and challenger falcon, vickers mk 4 and mk 3m all say hi :)).

That or GR.4 just without Brimstone or anything like that.

So you launch your 2 or 4 AMRAAM, 2 kills, what now? If you get into a merge with anything you’re dead and you will also have no guns anyways.


It’s passed on the new forum also. I think it truly is the perfect stop-gap and will take some pressure off the M2K. Also it can have its loadouts well customised to stop it being OP.

More than I can say for the Folland Gnat or the Supermarine Type 545 who have yet to be passed for consideration (when the UK is the only nation not to receive an aircraft in the Kings of thingy patch IIRC).

In fairness, Britain has the Harrier II which is a USA aircraft and has had it for a year now with USA mains crying about it so who knows lol

You die, and weap softly when you inevitably realise you chose to main a nation that the devs never wanted to work on

Such is the life of a British vehicle. We ain’t got nothing else to fill the gap.

Although I would note that the reason we have nothing to fill the gap is because the US based fighters out of the UK in an agreement that we would focus on interdiction and strike, where they helped with air superiority, and therefore us receiving an aforementioned air superiority fighter, would not be egregious, so long as naturally the US received their own version. (Unlike what happened with the Harrier 2 which should out of principle be also in the US tree).


Its a UK-US aircraft, but yes they should have it.

The sad thing is, the Gnat also had been passed on the old forums, loads of stuff that should have been added a long time ago got passed there.
I love gaijin for having that suggestions forum and actually taking these suggestions into consideration, but I absolutely hate that they never give any updates about those passed suggestions


True, but the shear amount of upset the lack of AV8BNA causes was and still is, mental lmao

Or that you could be getting kills after kills on your lil Hauwuk :3

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My view is that the RNZAF is just a extension of the RAF so Britain could have the last minute F-16 that NZ ordered

Well, consider me convinced lmao

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What is it with you and those kiwi F-16s

I’m gonna be honest dude if I were a Kiwi i’d find it hard to not be insulted by that post maybe 1950?

I’d take the premise of course but they are very much different forces nowadays. If we had control over CANZUK then it would be different.

CANZUK tree when???

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At least its stopped being about RAF F14s…

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Hey that’s somewhat more valid we were very very eager to buy those from the Iranians.

Because it’s the only gap what would work and everyone be happy with

Imagine a world where Gaijin didn’t shoot themselves in the foot by adding the absolutely 0 benefit south african tree to the UK line, and instead added the Canadian forces to us…


I’ve met plenty of people within these forum threads that wouldnt be happy with a paper F-16 in the british tree, myself included

How they were order from the Pakistan air force ?

How is that paper ?