Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

The funny, thing is that France or French companies did not take part in the creation of this prototype. That’s why France doesn’t have it


There is no fight, Germany got a lot of French tech before France, and sometimes that France still don’t have, the reverse don’t exist.

Life if they need that…

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Germany don’t take part in the Creation of the VT-1 missile, and could not even use it with the launcher they have ingame, but they have it, and they got it first.

You have literally “France” in the name of the tank, and somehow it’s only for Germany.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh interesting fact!
I just assumed from the name, “DE”, that it was a joint project. Now it makes more sense to me.

What are you talking about? So Roland was never a project of Germany and France? You live in some other world, dude

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I was not talking about Roland but the Flakrakrad, witch use VT-1 missiles ingame (French/USA missiles they got first), but never got in service, worst: they could’nt even use it on this launcher.

But we can talk about Roland if you want. Why both German and US Roland use a French tracking radar but not the French one? And why is it limited to 35° when the German is at 80° ? Bug reported for years but guess what…

Also where are MILAN atgm? Build by both Germany and France, French name/acronym, still none in the French TT after years in UK and German one.


The AMX-10P also does not use the DM-63, but has its own shells, then what?

All questions to the company, not to the players or historical facts

I believe in it, always.

And at the end of the day, it’s a game, and the matchmaker ends up putting us on the same team half of the games.

Meanwhile German players here asking for F-16s and AH-64s. (No offense, and nothing personal Shini)

Yeah logical attitude.

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It can use APFSDS with 79 mm at 100 meter, angle 0°, if you really want us to have it.

Dunno dude, you are the one joking about us and that we are complaining, but i guess you have just no idea how sometimes our stuff is treated and end in other TTs before ours.

If Germans player were treated half we are since years, forum would be just totally in fire.


Or a player?

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But not allowing other nations tree because 20 or even 40% is C&P even though most if not all top tier is currently C&P. Gasp


I’ve seen worse in rumor roundup topics…

And even some the CR3

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Germany did receive two AMX-13-105’s.
We only got the SK because we pretty much revolted, so they gave us it but gave Germany only the DF-105.

To this day I still find it mind-boggling how Gaijin has gone out of its way and did everything to give the German tree French oscillating autoloaders, one of the things that can make the charm of playing this nation, but hey, when those big spoiled players who want always more, anything goes I guess.

Surely the German 7.3 was in high difficulty for giving them the only French oscillating 105mm of the game, and still keeping France without it’s own turret for years now.

(without talking about the joke than the DF105 was at the same BR as the AMX-13-90 for long time)


Which I’m grateful for as it gave birth to another Argentinean and an Austrian vehicle

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It shouldn’t have happened the way it it did.
Now it seems like they refuse to even touch the platform again.

Everyone is asking for f16s lol

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Because everyone and their mother has had one or tested it