Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yea, the best palce to be to be outside of the round range. Being in front is a no no for me


Xiaomi 13T Pro 5G ? Nah, no, this is waaay too OP to be added


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how would the work? just a guy throwing lettuce at a tank?

No. better yet it’s a WW2 tanker with a smartphone doing that.

Well basically C2, today it is a standard. AMV which means MLU added to PSO+WAR, would leave it at a C2 standard (I mean C2 standard, from that C2 of the 2000’s that remained an idea). Perhaps leading Italians will have more clarity on this. My opinion is that Italy should receive whatever is necessary, within the possibilities. (without falling into fiction).

Not sure, don’t think so

Nope, the only Cr2 that got APS is BN, Medusa and Cr3

Well the CR3 will eventually have one i like the one on the BN

Cr3 will have Trophy, not iron fist

What does this tank have to do with France? The tank was created by Thyssen Henschel using a turret from the AMX-13 for Argentina. Again “Gimme, gimme” from the French players


i know it properly be a different one

I think France should have received DF105

Gaijin should have given both countries that tank. Maybe if the Germans and French stopped fighting over things like this, Gaijin would make more reasonable decisions. and not SK105.

AMX-13 105 is an agile vehicle, with a low profile, good mobility and with a lot of firepower for 7.7/8.0. France needs it for yesterday. And the vehicle is simply ready.

Gaijin acts in mysterious ways… I don’t know what to tell you.


No German players are like that


Well the Lynx situation would like a word :p

German players are asking for something that was made in Germany or at least a logical attitude towards it. And then it’s just, “give it to me, there’s a French tank turret”

Where is it made

“Which is made where?” / Tower or prototype?

The DF105 is on the Marders chassis right?

it’s a marder chasi with a french turret , this is why peaple asked ofr it to be implemented in booth nation’s


I want to clarify: In addition to Germany, France should have received DF105…

Gaijin should have given both countries that tank. Maybe if the Germans and French stopped fighting over things like this, Gaijin would make more reasonable decisions.

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id doubt the second sentence is right , but it would be helpfull nonethelesss