Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

‘CUM BLAST’ round


So a TES with 1500 engine, suspension upgrade, gen 3 TVD and maybe working barracuda as a premium? That would be sad. Time to get the money ready…


Is the OES the one Olivia leaked ?

Also it looked like that leak list was only part one

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Idk olivia leak, it is from the funny screen up there

The hull is already in the game and the tower with the cannon as well (in the DF105). Even their ammunition is modeled. There’s no reason, in terms of development, for it not to have been added to the game yet.

In my opinion, the only explanation why they haven’t implemented it yet is that they are saving it for another TT.

Let me explain: 105mm AMX-13 was basically a late version and intended for export.

It would be a situation similar to that of KF-41. An export vehicle that was not added to Germany because Hungary was there, therefore it must go to Hungary. I can’t find any other logical explanation. They are saving it to offer something “relatively unique” in a new TT.

Would be like Gaijin to give Britain a Premium 12.0 CR2 before actually adding anything else to our ground tree

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Nah U get a copy paste TES, thats all you get this patch lol

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IF OES gets added as a TES c&p it would not be OES

theyre about the same

Yeh but is it really needed tbh? I mean yeh sure a 1500 and Commander thermals would be cool and all but adding a new CH2 kinda just adds to the problem of the existing ones and their… not to steller performance…

However even if it looks likes it could be from the same person you have to be careful as some people have really good editing skills.

Example :

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Hopefully if it is being made… it doesn’t come next patch as from what I’ve seen not everything on that list appeared no?

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There are stuff missing from that list and stuff in game came that wasn’t in that list.
Which is why we should view this as a development list rather than a update one.

Gunner and Commander gen 3 tvd, but yea useless if we ignore that

Can you add a scimitar there? I want a scimitar.

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All you need is MS pain my lad

so basacly whenever the netherlands , Lebanon and perou show up , it’s gonna be implemented , ima correct on what you wanted to say ?

yea its called decoys

I don’t know if I understand your message.

Do you mean the countries to which it was exported?