Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Well, unless they guestimate on the Strv 123 or puts in a Leo 2A8 NOR, you are indeed corect

yes those are the nations it got exported to , at least some

Wait a minute, I remember… oh lord

Found the file when i copied the entire Interview back then

  1. BVVD: „Leopard 2A7 will come out later. Sometime.“

Well… you were selective in choosing “some” of them to knock down my point. But if we set ourselves objectives, Benelux could be a possibility. In fact, it was exported to several nations that could easily be subTT’s and I am not referring to Venezuela or Lebanon.

I don’t want to start a fire here, but I think you get the point.


In case you didn’t understand, Germany could receive AMX-13/105mm and not France.

Yea I remember that too it was in a document or something

Yea, insert Copium here

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Is there still a link to it ?

I dont know, but I could link my copy from it

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Yea ether way I be grateful!Am4QcwB6dTdho0RL_-2m2VfSsmMe?e=18szlY
(English Copy from the Interview)

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This doesnt mean much as theyve “denied” things before and the next update they come out.

Found the Original Link, it came from a (chinese?) Interview


Finally that it I remember it !

Im not sure why its “copium” I just cant see it not happening.

Luckly I coppied the entire side xD


Yea cheers for that m8

france could receive the amx-13/105 and not germany… or both can get it, like it happen with the kurassier, which is the most likely scenario

yeaaaa … i’m plenty aware … used to it so you good

Yeah, it’s a 2E TES. But gaijin will claim that makes it a 12.0

We tried, but we didn’t get KF-41. Really Gaijin and his “decisions”.
I wish you luck and I hope we both receive it.

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