Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Bonk Lux?

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I don’t get people who want a new nation. Gaijin struggles to fill gaps already and takes ages to give nations vehicles they need. Israel and the french navy were both released in a terrbile state and are still not at an acceptable state yet. A new nation would make problems worse


more stuff good

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Is it going to get a BR raise and maybe PL-12?

that true, but sub trees are the better alternatives, you can support a sub tree with the main tree so you dont have israel or japan problems like you currently do

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Yeah more sub trees or an expansion on ones that are already in game


it just is the best alternative, and the 5 lines in nations is a weak excuse, just give the sub tree a new page like blue water coastel and choose research on which page you want like with helis, like that you can seperate the nations nicely as well


Whole point went over your head. I don’t think you will get any score if you leave after 1 death with no contribution. So, why ever bother enabling night battles if your going to leave instantly…

That seems to irritate you.

Thats quite far from much worse ideas he can give.

Love me some BeNeLux fr for real

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godamnit, just make them sub trees for france and germany, that is the better solution


I dont know what you re talking about, but I m just asking, are you talking about this modification, what s in the photo or something else?

Oh trust me, i really think the GlOriOuS Bismarck is overlooked, give me the Jean Bart we will see if we gonna be stomped.

Why would anything irritate anyone about this? Maybe I’ve overlooked something, but I haven’t got that impression from anything so far xD

either way both would be pointless with no ARH missiles this patch

I think it being a stealth design would actually do something, though I dont think it would impact BR.
We already have ground radars on ground vehicles, I am pretty sure we have ground radars for Helis and maybe aircraft (or we might have them in future) IRL theres even small radars troops can carry to detect soldiers (any man really and tanks).

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Gaijin themselves stated more is coming, so it is no surprise when people start to look into what options are available.


As someone who doesn’t really wants the tree, I will always say fuck off to this idea.

This continues to be just some german mains going “moar moar” for an F-16 and AH-64 that they have no connection to.


and that is fair opinion as well, of course