Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Well from what I’ve heard they’ve been internally testing them since at least September.

I know awhile back Olivia said she knew that they were testing R77s and AIM120s, but nothing official has come from Gaijin on for how long they have been testing them or even if they have been testing them at all.

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When was the Olivia leak? It had to be since then. Otherwise how could it have been leaked?

yeah Olivia’s leak was in early September just before Sons of Atilla

i believe around a year ago

2 months ago


Then yeah, they’ve been working on them for a while. Then again the r73 is still broken too

Olivia said they were testing R77+R73 and AIM120A + AIM9M during sons of attila update, so around 2 months ago

I have a feeling we’ll see f4f ice, gripen and aim120 a/b but its just my gut and nothing more.

If we are not at the point of ARH missiles now we likely aren’t at the point of ARH 3 weeks from now, when the update happens.

how do R-77 and AiM-120 compare ?

which one is more agile, which one locks better, which one has the longer range?

No denying here…he could be just saying that since the dev season hasn’t started yet he can’t say anything

The screenshot Volxar and another user posted.

If we aren’t at the point of ARH now according to Smin, we are likely not at the point of ARH in 3 weeks when the update likely releases.

Just like the r73 on fighters?

When was that said within a month of a new update?

It was a month from the dev server, not the update.

And we are now likely far closer than a month to the dev server.

Probably but dev blog season hasn’t even started yet gaijin has made leaps before, they can do it again and if they’ve been working on them since Sept at least, they very well could come.

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Based on that discussion you are certain that fox 3 won’t come. There is nothing saying that, the still might come or not come. We shall wait and see

Did you miss the screenshot of Smin saying that we aren’t at that point yet?

Sure they can make leaps, but we are like less than a week away from devblogs and maybe around 2 weeks away from the dev server. I seriously doubt they change their stance in 2-3 weeks. Of course I would happily be proven wrong.

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I didn’t miss it…he could have meant many things and not necessarly (as you are making it) that wont come this year. Maybe he meant that we aren’t at the point of the update, which is true due to the fact that conversation is 2 weeks old. Tell me the part smin said they are not coming this year lol