Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Rank 8 ground is still very likely.



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Yea, what Iโ€™m interpreting is donโ€™t expect the update to have more vehicles than what is typical of a December update.

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Mhm my bet we will get a massive graphic and a engine update which is needed as some assets are still looking like they are from 2014.

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Yeah, my bets are on rank 8 ground as well
Based on Smins remark some new maps and gameplay updates could also be a focus

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well rank 8 is also welcome as it would reduce the grind for the rank 6 and 7

Huh, interesting. I went back to the J-8F devblog and it really does only say a future update. Looks like people really were getting hyped over nothing. As expected of the RR thread I suppose.

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I hate this line


I mean, I wouldnโ€™t quite believe it myself, but new content could also mean PvE/Co-Op updates or stuff like ground and air EC

So, unless Britain gets a Gripen or F/A-18, itโ€™s fucked.

When was a new nation denied?

Iโ€™d still be happy about a Hawk 200 or even an Atlas Cheetah

well all are other planes are just the planes we have with fox 3 so it would have to be one of those

If a new nation is gonna be part of the december update itโ€™s just gonna be CBT packs. The nation would arrive in march.
A sub-tree would be possible tho

Brimstone (copium

I think Smin said something about that a week ago, but Iโ€™m probably mistaken.

Making RB EC into a full time mode would be the greatest, enough to carry a whole update for me. And also maximum hopium.


The biggest problem with Air RB EC is that if fox3 joins the game, players who enter the game early have a huge advantage. They maintain high altitude and high speed near your birth point. Once you take off, you have no speed and energy to avoid missiles

CBT packs is when a new nation/tree is introduced, not when the full tree comes.

He said because it big does always mean the raw vehicles number or something