Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Two packs are not a large number of vehicles, but okay.

That is true

Yeah, that’s what I was trying to say. We didn’t get CBT packs last update, so for a new nation we would only get CBT packs in december and the actual tree in march

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True but then Fance and Italy wasn’t in a December/November updates

I don’t think the month has anything to do with the content.
Also, not only were Italy and France added much earlier, they also already existed within the german and british air trees respectively

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Submarines + naval overhaul and br rework given the recent submarine event?

Plus a step into the next generation of interwar dreadnoughts.

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If its a naval update then I’m uninstall as there would be two updates I’ve wasted.

What we have, a list of hunches and speculations:

Rank 8
Some new MBT’s (one per nation, at best)
Other MBT’s moving to rank 8 (Merkava 4M, Type10, Strv122 with new sabot).
Puma with spike at rank 8
DM53 for the L2 PL.
Subtree to reinforce a nation (seems to be the trend).
Some Jets for Sweden and Great Britain.
New graphics engine, new weather effects.
Old recycled maps with lots of white (of course).
Old recycled maps with different themes according to the BR.
A new jet for the US (logical)
Probably Nagato and/or some similar colossus.
Some coaster with missiles.
Some new game mechanics: for example APU.
Alpha Jet Mosquito and similar.
And a light vehicle with spikes for Israel.


And one for russia for the ying and yang


They can have the Foxbat, as a treat

To be fair naval would be much more popular if they reworked it and expanded the BR’s. If it had even half the same interest as air or ground it would be much better and lots of it is down to the poor UI that makes it stupidly hard to get into and also many destroyers and cruisers which unless they’re German aren’t very iconic.

But we are close to entering the age of famous dreadnoughts (and should already have had things like Warspite). Things lack 16-inch standard battleships, nelson/rodney, nagato, maybe bismarck soon enough.

Plus submarines would make it more interesting and rp increases would make it quicker to grind.

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Don’t forget a new MBT for Germany is confirmed. Probably the 2A7 (so it has no ingame upgrade) or maybe 2SG or 2E or 2EX.

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When Smin mentioned big update ≠ many vehicles, I really really hope it’s something gameplay related. New graphics is nice and all, but it’s not the core of the game.

After all what is the point in having those shiny vehicles and beautiful visuals if the gameplay loop is monotonous, uninspired, and frustrating (list of adjectives go on).

Spawn in, fly straight for ~60 seconds, shoot missiles, get engulfed in furball, die, repeat…

Obviously the solution is Air RB EC, and that’s a hill I’ll die on. (Figuratively)


Enduring ground, air might get fleshed out a little bit so both can be in a potentially good position.

BVVD said Leopard 2A7 was in the works, and a new, “better armored” Leopard has been confirmed for Germany on December by Smin.

What if Gaijin’s sources indicate Leopard 2A7 has actually D-Tech internal armor (spiking hull KE to 600mm RHA) and that’s the tank we are getting?

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Please forgive me for harping on about EC, but I think that is basically a pre-requisite for seeing the Foxbat or Foxhound.

Current Air RB meta is dominated by agile fighters, and low altitude combat (in a furball usually). Obviously the Foxbat is an interceptor, and does the exact opposite of this.

It would be a capable interceptor in large EC games, shooting down spy aircraft and bomber formations at high speeds and high altitude.

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That is the theory. Though the F3 kinda proves that is not always the case. Even in SB it often comes down to a joust and low speed dogfights.

I saw him say more Leopards were in the works, I did not see him say it would be more armoured and knowing Gaijin they’d add the 2A7 which in game would have no tangible upgrades over the 2A6. You may be right, I’d have to go and check for myself but a better armoured leopard would likely be either the 2E, 2HEL, 2A7V (Unlikely imo) or the 2SG.

AFAIK D-Technologie is the combination of the C-Technologie upgrade found on the batch 3 2A4 (all converted to 2A5) and the turret wedge of the 2A5 onwards and not its own composition of armour. I may be entirely wrong but when I looked into it that’s the impression I got.

If it increased the armour effectiveness I wouldn’t mind though the Leopards biggest issue imo is that it only has 9 degrees of gun depression, so you usually have to show the hull which just can’t tank those top tier rounds anymore.

According to this report and others (all based on legitimate sources), D-Tech is also an internal armor standard applied to later Leopards:

Also, I am quoting two separate sentences:
On the one hand, BVVD said a few months ago in an interview that Leopard 2A7 was in the works.
On the other hand, Smin recently said that a “better armored Leopard” was coming “this year”.

So… I have a pen, I have an apple…

As a side note, I gotta say I am a bit confused by your “only 9º of depression” xD

Like, it’s the first time I see anyone address to Leopard 2’s depression as “biggest issue”, like, compared to other MBTs:

-Abrams and Challenger: -10º
-Leopard 2: -9º
-Leclerc: -8º
-Type 10s: -7º
-Russian tanks: -5º

So… basically Leopard has got the second best depression ingame, beaten just by 1º by other two models, so… I am not sure how much depression you would expect for it not to be “a big issue” lol


Gaijin ready consider medium-range active radar homing BVR Air-to-Air Missile from USA, Russia, PLAAF and NATO in Q1 or Q3 next year ? but not ready this year ?