Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Well… I don’t know about you, but I stopped believing in those things a couple of years ago.

I mean, without going too far, I just got hit by a 2S38.

look at this boy


Tbh year of introduction should have probs been removed a bit ago and a focus on how well a vehicle does should be the deciding factor

The trophy system weighs about 1 ton and requires a lot of energy. Perhaps this is the reason for the use of Iron Fist on the Eitan. But that’s just a guess.

Well, there we go, the sources problem already begins, I’m seeing some sources claiming that the Eitan uses a combination of Iron Fist and Trophy, others claiming that it uses only Iron Fist

Other sources claim that Israel specifically bought Iron Fists to mount on their Namers

It baffles me why they even use both APS system’s… and in the namers case from what seems most images of it being equipped woth an aps trophy seems to be the majority if not the total used aps

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I suppose if we keep getting newer vehicles they’ll start using estimations and statistics based on projections anyways, would probably be easier to balance as well
Just hope they don’t start going wild with it like Wargaming

These are probably different defense companies competing for contracts with the State. IMI and Rafael, if I’m not mistaken, each had their own APS offering.

I’ve read something about the IMOD pushing the companies to combine their systems

Did not know that… surely the IAF prefers trophy tho right?

Well, the most recent contracts went to Elbit to fit Iron Fists on the Eitan and some Armored Dozers, so I guess not

Man …wacko

Definitely yes, it is the system of the main MBT in the country.

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Also, the one that has had the most commercial success outside of Israel.

Apparently from the french bug reporting discord.


So no FOX 3
When what the hell are we getting


Could be more planes as usual. Doesn’t have to be Fox 3s.

But also, we could have Fox 3s, but I don’t think they’d be so important to be the highlight of an update.

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No Fox threes, No sub trees, No new nations and yea what the heel are we getting.

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probably more fox 1 carriers like the f15 and su27

Smin said a big updates doesn’t really mean the raw amount of vehicles.

I say we are getting a massive engine upgrade.


I did say as usual. I was going to say it’d probably just be like Apex predators.

Maybe it is rank 8 ground with some new top tier planes for minor nations.