Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

It is basically a modernization of the systems that the 2C already has. It is the series version that the army is currently producing. If Gaijin doesn’t add new mechanics, there won’t be any big improvements to the game.
In my opinion, if added, Gaijin should consider the following:
The tank can operate with Lahat (all systems are Israeli), can equip the armor package and by simply giving it a new pen, it could be in the upper ranks.



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I think that’s just a fable.

while intresting, makes it mostly sound like a possible 10.7 maybe 11.0 the penetration just doesnt get any higher even with the new ammunition

What about stealth tanks?

Like here, a demonstrator stealthy amx-30 with radar-reflecting angles and materials, in the 80s

Could be a funny squadron/premium, even if no stealth system ingame.

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I didn’t know Elon Musk also designed tanks


That will really depend on where Gaijin wants to put the tank. But, according to Mecar’s specifications, 500mm at 2000 meters at a 60° angle sounds very good for a 105mm.
Germany needs an LT at the top level, really doing intelligence with the drone, with thermals, it is fantastic and useful.

Or it just ends up being a backup of 10.0

On the other hand, I would love for them to implement the Lahats, I have all the merkavas and they would really come in handy. Everything feels so monotonous lately in the Israeli TT…


is that amx-40?

Nope, modified amx-30 for testing some stealth things.

Even if yes looks more like a 40 :D

seemed too boxy for amx-30 but still cool

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well light tank wise /ifv, next thing on germanys list propably is the PUMA VJTF with spikes and who knows maybe they will fix AHEAD and the model as well, that easily is a higher br scout even if only 10.7-11.0 propably. The “real” light tanks would be KF 41 Lynx 120mm or boxer 120mm. But it is sketchy how gajin will handle those considering they were not adopted into the german army

It would be a funny premium or event vehicle.
It shouldn’t be something that gets a large amount of attention to be honest.

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founded on the net :

AMX 30 DFC ( Démonstrateur Furtif Chenillé =Tracked Stealth Demonstrator)

This is a technological demonstrator based on the AMX 30B2 incorporating stealth technology. This tank would have been wrapped in a radar-absorbing material on top of normal steel. In addition, cold air would be propelled between the armor and this material to reduce its IR signature. In this way, the tank’s thermal image would be greatly reduced.
The AMX 30 DFC was tested in 1990. At that time, the EPC program was drawing to a close, and the Leclerc tank was almost ready for production to replace the AMX 30 fleet. The Amx 30 DFC project was abandoned shortly after its launch.

Damn we got some nice Star wars looking prototype back in the time ! (even a roman dark vador suit ! xD)

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still no stab burned

We have something like 5 amx-30s (amx-30 SAMM, amx-30C2/“super30”, amx-30Valorisé, amx-30V, amx-30VE…) with stab that could come ^^

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fr? that would be awesome honestly

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AMX-30VE my beloved.
Literally just a Super with CITV.


As always, gaijin choice to not give us that much stab :p

Listed them in edit on the last answer.


120mm Boxer doesn’t appeal to me, he’s too big and tall. But KF 41 Lynx 120mm will be our best top-tier LT. It really looks devilish. But I think it’s too advanced even for the current meta.
Other LTs that I would love to see added are the M-10 Booker and the Type 15 tank.

Wouldnt say the 120mm boxer and kf41 are to different from the cv 90129, besides maybe APS system ,which from what i heard is broken either way, additionaly yeah the KF41 model is so bad as well seems like the ducked up the armor model like with the Puma