Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

It aslo used leo hull iirc

Or that would do, with it having some of the worst armour, mobility and shell pen at top tier. It is surprising they dont just give it a better reload rate

Not necessarily, afaik Israel also never used 9Ms, but gave them anyways instead of giving the Python 4 to Barak.

that hull

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i meant the valiant

Valiant and Mk7 are not the same thing. Valiant is Vickers mbt mk.4

Eh… they sort of are the Mk7 if I remember was a carry over from the valiant

It ia a upgraded Vickers modual turret on the Leo 2 chassie

Which was originally on the Valiant…

Yes, but it is not the same tank

Fun fact the vickers mk7 thermal sight is suppose to be gen 2

Fun fact, its turret protection should be very simmilar to Cr1. Also it outpreformed both Leo2a4 and Cr1 on the tests, but Germany got mad and disabled hull export closing the program

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Well more specifically the Sight that has the thermals is a duel controlled sight that either the commander or gunner uses… by god tho the mk7/2 is much more sexy

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They never got them but it’s is possible that they purchased them

I think this would look good on the German rank VIII.


The TAM 2CA2 and 2CIP would be nice, indeed.


yeah it is sad that the TAM 2C didnt yet get a modification for the IP armor

Oh intresting didnt yet know the 2CA2 existed seems to be new an just from this year, but doesnt have any changed besides optics /thermal realy does it at least in game

/ am i right with this being the tam 2CIP ? even then i am not sure it would be rank 8 material same with the 2AC, they only have a small amount of armor addition or upgraded thermals/optics right?

You know whats wack about the TAM there was to be an Argentina MBT called the TAP (Tanque Argentino Pesado) wacko