Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Ah, yes, the first and second fighter column and the heavy fighter/miscellaneous column


I illustrated it a bit

Excuse my Mouse writing

Well, that is, you deny that there is equipment here supplied from the USA, USSR and our own production? Merged into appropriate branches

To add - Lim is Polish too

Nothing, there are only 2 planes here, they were made in Germany. Okay 3, Bis-Sau too

yea but its Off the shelf just like the rest of the Peoples army of the German Democratic republic (except helmets)

Thats all it is two fighter columns i starts as bf and fw to west and east

it’s basically just taken from the ussr with a few changes to the avionics and thats it. it’s not “german production” its more of “german modification with ussr approval”

tbh i’d be surprised if they weren’t just made in the ussr and shipped to germany as is

Well, anyway

from left to right it’s
Light Fighter/air superiority fighter line → Turns into FRoG Line
Multi role/ heavy Fighter Line → Turns into GDR Line
Destroyer/ Twin engine interceptor line
Light Bomber/Attacker Line → turns into Fighter Bomber line
Bomber line

The first hosting more western tech post ww2 and the second hosting more eastern tech post ww2 is a side effect of putting vehicles that are related to eachother into the same column
The third column literally is a place for stuff that doesn’t make sense in a designated fighter, bomber or strike plane column

They still are just that, 2 fighter columns and a mixed column

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And so they are unofficially divided into equipment of the USA, the USSR and their own production (Regardless of their role, this meaning in the game does not have anything to do with modern aviation)

So assuming Gripen is definitely coming, what weapons are people expecting it to have? I’m not sure if it ever used SARH?

if those columns were meant to be based on nationality rather than role the first one would contain the f-84f and the second one would contain the mig-23bn, il-28 and su-22s

Don’t say that otherwise you might upset someone

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it did not, so either all sidewinders or basic amraams. either way i think it really should not be added yet, not unless they’re planning to mass-drop amraam-capable planes to all countries at once

and given their track record i don’t believe they are doing that

RB99 and RB74

The Gripen A could carry skyflashes
If AMRAAMs get added in december the C is gonna carry those and sidewinders
Otherwise it’s gonna carry skyflashes and sidewinders or only sidewinders

What a strange logic you have. Here the planes seem to be logically distributed according to their values, just like in other countries, for example France

Honestly for GBR top tier air, we’d need something equal to what you see at top tier
12.3 BR material.

This is:
Sea Harrier FA.2 w/ AIM-120Bs
Tornado SP w/ AIM-120B/C
CF-18 w/ AIM-7M and AIM-9M
F/A-18C w/ AIM-7M and AIM-9M
SAAF Gripen C W/ AIM-120A/B

Those are our five most likely contenders for the British top tier air slot.
Aircraft like BAe Hawk 200 are possible but unlikely given how they’re exclusively operated and created by nations we’ve not seen in game before and that have pretty dubious connections to the tree at best.

Gripen D isn’t an option, as Smin has explicitly stated “no private entities” and QinetiQ is a private entity/military contractor.

Now unless they go absolutely batshit insane and give us the BAe/Hawker P.1214 or something, we’re likely to see a Commonwealth nations jet like CF-18 to bring the same level of lethality to Britian as F-16 did for China, USA, Italy, Japan and Israel.

If we get something domestic - We’re only likely to see S.Harrier FA.2, A logical leap in tech for RAF airpower that may actually prove quite powerful, especially since it can mount 4 BOL rails on each Sidewinder mounting station giving it a ludicrous amount of CM, the best radar in the game and AIM-120s which would give it the edge it needs

Or we’ll see Tornado SP, which is exlusively the addition of AMRAAM to Tornado and wouldn’t be very good.

The problem is, the devs has stated their interest in giving everyone ARH missiles all at the same time, so you can’t balance these vehicles by saying “Well S.Harrier would be good since it would be a good platform to test ARH on”. Either we all get it or noone does, it seems.
S.Harrier FA.2 might be a decent pick, honestly but we need a supersonic, multirole 4th gen like everyone else. We’ve also just had 2 S.Harriers. I personally think our logical next aircraft is a Canadian or Australian Hornet as the missiles and capabilities match the game, not exceed them which is what i’d expect them to do for a minor nation.
Gripen C complicates matters as this is an AMRAAM platform. Unless they give it only AIM-9Ms (I wouldn’t be surprised) or give it fictional RB71s on Gripen - It has to get ARH.

So right now it’s anyones guess, but those 5 are the most likely for Britian.
CF-18/F/A-18C for if they dont give ARH missiles.
Tornado SP, S.Harrier FA.2 if they do
Gripen C SAAF if they are both: Lazy and go with either option