Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

mext week for sure

ohh hell no, pls no

china needs a top tier SPAA with Israel. Russia does not need it. xD
Gaijin must be really stupid if they did that.

not just china , but i could not agree less


UK needs one too. Or turn the ADATS back to SPAA designation until something better is added


But we all now the deeply rooted love for Russia by Gaijin. We know that won’t probably happen.

wasnt the tor m1 quite good in its current state already? besides that i think china would prefer the fk-2000 since it is an indiginous design, even if is an pantsir from wish

No, the missle only travels at 720-780 meters per second, they have also been nerfed incredibly hard against flares.

Yeah my Tor hasn’t been doing well lately

Yes ✊, Yes ✊

Oh, no China have better SPAA in game but, they need better…

Sufa uses the apg68/v(x) which Is aesa, i dont think we’ll see it soon.

The only problem with adding top tier SPAA is that if we try to ensure that all nations have an “equivalent” to the Pantsir, some nations would have no option and would need the implementation of a new sub-nation just to fill that role (I’m thinking of the Italy/Hungary/Spain tree for example)

and for some some brand new game mechanics would be necesary for theme to be some-what realistic (sorry for my vocabulary)

Nah, that’s Britain’s next top tier SPAA via Cyprus. I think they operate TorM2

Why would that go to britain

I was making a joke about how Britain is now apparently the commonwealth tree and they can just dump any old vehicle into our TT so long as it’s from a commonwealth nation. Cyprus is a commonwealth nation


basically what i was about to say was what Morvran said

Yeah, for some nations it could be really hard. Britain’s next best SPAA for something better than ADATS/Rapier will probably be a vehicle that fires ASRAAM. Though people will complain about that being too strong. So at the moment, Britain likely won’t get anything better than the ADATS unless we get a C&P from another nation. I fear TorM1/2 (can’t remember what Cyprus uses) or Pantsir from India. (For the record. I’d hate either)

The problem is that western SPAA would need to have a mechanic to form a battery as launch vehicle and radar are separate.
The only disadvantage being that it doesn’t work for Escargot’s current standards where it needs to be an all-in-one system.

The Pantsir and similar systems is what you get when you put all of your eggs in one basket and make it vulnerable to a complete loss.