Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I don’t like that, but Gaijin told us so many time “USa build so much so we give more” (wich don’t work with minor nation when they build more but anyway)…

And it would be a copy past that would bring joy to a lot of nations except a few…

Jk = Joke

Maybe they can hold back giving the nations with the legit most powerful top tier fighters atm a new toy when some nations don’t have any

USA is probably the nation that bring the most players and money for top air, doubt they will give F-18 to “everybody” who can, but not USA, forums would take fire too.


No. I have change to become moderator, but failed

XD opssssss


air trees same age, tank tree not so much to account for it. what does account for it is the more content they get and the fact britiain and japan use to go entire updates without any content

Yeah if only one nation gets the EFT without other getting it or there equivalent it would start a riot


literaly just proofed for you that what you said was wrong for the entire last year, air has its problems yet, but we were talking about ground here and UK did receive air vehicles as well just that there wasnt any possible top tier option


Yeah some nation joined the game late, but most of the time the older nation still got handfull of new toys EACH update, and lot of times new nations got nothing, or one at best, like it was case for France, years with almost nothing, DoA planes (remember Mirage III coming years after competitor? And they give us US F100D 9months after the release in the US TT for making us wait, was riot time xD)

And Mirage III was relevent for 1 or 2 update at best, bigger nations immediatly got better planes.

literaly proved to him that Uk got more vehicles then germany this last year on ground

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I was not really talking about UK specifically.

ok thats fair, but still i cant stand his whining about UK, when it literaly isnt the case

Would rather just have the CR2 fixed

thats a fair point, i am just specificaly talking about ground additions were he is spouting bullshit

it is literally the case and britain was merely an example. go back to the first post and you will see i was comp[aring top 3 to all others. i use brits because im most knowledgeable about how much is missing from the tree.

i was referring to all trees and someone made it specifically about ground to which i responded in like.

again , you are comparing the 3 oldest trees to other nations, of course they gonna be bigger then others, they have the biggest assortment of vehicles as well, simple fact nations like israel and japan dont got as many in reality either

and you responded with bad takes which were completly wrong

britain and japan have been around since the beginning