Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

We will join you, if any early EF join the game without early Rafales, we will fight together ! xD

There is no better looking update for me than this “European Canards” bringing both these beast.

Still is something if you compare it to no improvement in engine on Azur. (the discussion had a comparision of Azur and PSO)

Fake, i suppose.

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well at least you get the better spaa variant with the ItO 90M

The EF was a joint development between Britain, German, Italy and Spain it would be a kick in the balls. and that is putting it lightly

He believes it too much, but it is still worth being realistic. He is my comrade from the ru forum

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Yea which I’m taking this with a pinch of salt though I guess Russian mods could know more then the English ones

Don’t talk me about this ugly copy past that was never used by France (the hull) when we have at least 2 or3 others choices with the same weapon system.

And one good AA missiles don’t remove all the others advantages you have.


So will be any differences EF in branches?

yeah small ones, but it depends how gajin implements them

If gaijin wants to balance this there properly won’t be any between the three

I don’t think so or they won’t to share information

tell me again whats the count for the 2 nations tech trees again?


EF have been denied for a while, so i’m thinking about this last update of the year (and what they are talking about on the Russian side of the forum) would bring something like F-18 to multiple nation, like it was done with F-16s

And the “not much to add” thing would be that nothing outside EF after this F-18 for Germany.

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If he is close friends with a mod and in DM’s I guess he has more of a leeway

Ah yes please give america a new top tier fighter

F/A-18 and F-15 yes I can totally see that as Germany also tested these

ah yes, you are comparing the tree that existed longer to a newer tree,

The UK has more vehicles then Israel that is unfair!!!, the UK should stop receiving vehicles until israel catched up . Do you hear like how much shit this sounds? thats what you are saying.

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but…SA is tubtree of UK now …