Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

hey i have nothing against buffs, i even think with rank 8 they will rebalance a lot of the old tanks to better reflect their real capabilities since most values are balance decisions at top tier

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And quility of steel isnt a thing, would impact most ww2 rounds and late ww2 german armour.

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not like the west has many options…

Thats true, but I dont really know how people will react to that.
Plus decompression, if you simply move away top tier further, will create holes most nations wont have much to fill with, like Italy’s Arietes, France’s Leclerk.


That’s inevitable, some militaries aren’t as big as others. Nations could end at rank 7 and below top tier but those players would complain on the forums that they won’t have top tier. It’s already a problem for Japan and Israel. The Type 10 and Merkava 4M are the best they can get.


The thing that’s frustrating is that they added the AZUR instead of giving us another vehicle besides an MBT. Which I can’t and won’t stop complaining about that vehicle because it’s bad in every way possible.

We’ll see with December but I’m going to assume we’re not getting anything meaningful for ground until there’s confirmation.


btw did i remember it right that you wanted to get an book about leo 2 armor, was there anything in it about the standard 2a7 having received internal armor upgrades?

Strv 122s are already above most other NATO MBTs.

The BVM/122s have been the meta for 2 years now, no need for buffs when new vehicles arrive.

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to be fair the Azur has an advantage above all other leclercs, you finaly got a roof gun against helicopters

The book by Rolf Hilmes didn’t talk about the 2A7’s armour. I’m planning on getting some more books though. I’ll come back to you if I get anything ^^

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sounds good

That’s like the only good thing going for it.
It should still have been an armor modification instead of its own vehicle.

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sounds like the PSO issue

Doesnt PSO have better engine to compensate for added weight which Azur lacks?

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To be fair though, the PSO was demonstrated as its own vehicle. While AZUR was shown to be able to be added onto a Leclerc for urban operations.

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At one point of dev testing PSO even had same reverse as forward, many didnt seem to notice it.

you realise there is more to the tree then top tier right? bermany tree is far bigger then other trees yet continues to get content

jesus man get a grip, Uk got plenty mid tier additions as well

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ok mate