Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

i know they arent the same but there is a leopard most every update or event it seems. Britain has a much content to draw on as the top 3 nations but instead of giving them the content being asked for they added SA.

even has a youtube channel with clips of r73s having a stroke

True I would of been more happier if we got Australia more since there was tech in there already.
SA would made a batter tree then Israel.


I wonder when will Gaijin add the SH 37 and the F-16I considering their radars have been in the files for a few months.

Ok then tell me, what part about germany didnt receive a new top tier mbt since 3 years did you miss and you reals dont want your vehicles to be added as event ones, they are a cash grab to make the nation pay. And UK constantly got their own vehicles added as well

the SH 37?

gee, how do these keep getting worse

SA would not have been a better tree than israel, even though it could start at rank 1


Omg I got a leak



sick leak mate, almost believable

The PS-371/A is the radar of the SH 37, no?

It’s 100% real as it’s wasn’t from discord :P

If you are talking about the Viggen one i dont think that one had a radar

Edit: I did go on Wikepedia and check, i was indeed thinking about the SF-37 not the SH
But yeah that one uses the PS-371A radar

F-16CG/DG Block40/42 are the EXACT same as a normal F-16C/D Block 40/42s… they can all carry AMRAAMS

jh7a is getting kh 29s next update

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the nice thing about that is, that germany will have DM 63 or DM73 at that point and higher penetration because of the upgraded L55A1 gun, and DM73 can only be fired from that one

MiG-29K 9-31 from Indian Navy (IAF) or MiG-29K 9-41R from Russian Navy ?

Sea Harrier FA.2 new navy fighter aircraft toptier ?

A-37B Dragonfly could be 8.3 BR at rank V

Unsure early 4th gen fighter aircraft from PLAAF maybe Chengdu J-10A or Sheyang J-11A this year

You receive other vehicles, powerfull navy and planes (thanks Russia for top tier), but also your MBT was buffed (new shells etc) when they was already among the best.

Do you really needed shells buff like a lot of others nations ?


Any Nato gun will only be limited in terms of balance choice by what their rated breach pressure will be capable of Holding

Edit: which could include DM63. But iirc thats mostly a survivability upgrade of the 53

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Dont worry about that one too much, it’s probably the most ridiculous fake leak we’ve had so far