Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

while i would appreciate that , because it definitly would mean a new german tornado as well, that one wouldnt solve the british fighter problem , it still is a pure CAS plane

Hey, we got… uh… an early Sea Harrier FRS.1 that nobody ever asked for

(and a camo downgrade to the squad Sea Harrier at the same time, for no reason)

Many people asked for it actually

I like the new low-vis more

I’d not necessarily have an issue with it, if Britain was the CAS nation. with capabilities other nations didnt have. Made us the king of CAS. Gr4 with Sniper and Brimstone would do that easily. But, as proven by the fact the F-111 got MAWS before the Gr7. I dont think they even want to consider doing that.

I can create a topic myself, but I need this topic to be promoted and made actively discussed in order to bring it to the top of discussions.

More like… Many people were pissed that one of the most iconic and important “modern” fighters for Britain ended up as an SQV and not in the TT. It would have been like adding the F-14A as an SQV

They could at the very least have kept the old camo as a different camo option, but no, they just flat out got rid of it.

Who are the people that asked for it though? Was it just people that disliked the FRS.1 being a squad vehicle?
They could easily have replaced that with a FRS.51 and moved the current squad FRS.1 into the tech tree

Ig. I don’t see the issue tho. Good that we have 2 because now I can use the early one with my 10.3 lineup while late one stays dedicated for air battles.

Does enyone else have a issue with random extreme frame drop?

it should’ve really been the other way around

That I agree on

Yeah… having the one at 10.3 is handy for ground line ups… But it:

  1. Shouldnt have taken 9 months to add the second one
  2. Should have come to the TT first.

Most of the time SQVs are unique vehicles that either dont fit neatly in the TT or are export versions or something right?

It was just wierd that the FRS1 was added as an SQV. Like I said, it would have been like adding the A-10 or F-14 or something like that, really iconic US vehicle, as an SQV and not to the TT

coughs in A6

Originally SQVs were meant to be vehicles that have some unique features, but that plan seems to have been abandoned very early on

True… though I dont think its quite as iconic as the FRS1 is for Britain.

Happy Thanksgiving dudes! Remember to stay on topic today ;)


it was abandoned from the start

now it’s just researchable event vehicles which is a nice addition too

About that…


Lighten up lmao

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