Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

A Soviet copy bombing means nothing. I would say that MiG 29 is the exception. I’ve been playing in the German TT for years, I know what it feels like. Right now, I’m not interested in Soviet copies. I’m sure most would prefer an Alpha Jet to having a ton of MiG or SU… filler.

Since we passed the era of the Sabers until the arrival of the MiG23, Germany was completely forgotten. F-4 arrived late, F104 arrived only with two missiles (and not the ones it has now) and was fighting against MiG-21BIS with R-60 x6…

I’ll tell you one thing, if you take into account the number of players in the German TT, you will understand that it was a dropout unlike other nations with a much smaller player base.

When you have such a popular TT, you can look for solutions. Gaijin preferred to maintain historical rigor, where Germany was certainly weak, instead of satisfying a real and current demand in a video game.
Gaijin chose to discourage German players, forcing us to play on other trees. So yes, it was abandoned and even today it could have looked for solutions to satisfy the demand.


Do you guys think this update will focus on rank 8 ground?
The newest premiums were moved to rank 7, rank 8 has been confirmed to be coming at some point already and more Leopard variants have been confirmed to be coming this year. In my opinion, this lines up very well.

You know whats sad about Britains new top tier jet i legit have no hope its even gonna be comparable to the f16s or migs…


I agree that the early F/A-18A or B models could’ve been added already. AFAIK, CF-18 is based on one of those.

However, the Swiss airforce operates later C models, which wouldn’t make much sense to add without the AIM-120 AMRAAM.

Ehh could argue the tornado series should have come earlier and not together with gen 4 aircraft release


Seems likely, but i still think every nation would get another round of premiums, no way is gajin gonna miss that cash grab

Blame german aeronautic companies for that.


Honestly compared to Britain Germany is in a better place right now.
Hell if it was that bad then why did Gromv say it was the most played nation

Honestly not sure why German mains complain - They just got MiG-29G, which is one of, if not the best A2A platform in the game.

They only lack CAS aircraft at top tier.

Britain? Complete opposite. Air RB is borderline unplayable


Well were gonna have to wait till next month or a few weeks to see if that changes…which it wont

Well the SAAF Gripen is now back on the cards so we could have a chance

No friend, it’s not that simple.
I’ll brainstorm for you and then you’ll go do the homework alone.

postwar occupation
cold War
strategic weapons
industrial-military monopoly

And this is a video game, where if they want they give a T-90S to the UK. (double standard to say no to the F-18 for the UK)

Let’s leave the offtopic and get back to talking about missile thunder and Microsoft Paint rumors.

Never that easy

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I hope it’s the Gripen as then not only does that mean we get an on par fighter for once but this should allow us to get the domestic SA aircraft to act as filler for the Typhoon

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I’d prefer CF-18 or F/A-18 from Australia as Canadian and Australian vehicles feel far more at home in the tree than SA vehicles ever do


because of its popularity in the Second World War I suppose…

Imagine going from the first jets ever built to… (insert some poor quality late copy here)

Well since SA is a sub tree and like I’ve said the Gripen could spring bored domestic stuff I wouldn’t mind.
As much I love the CF-18 too it would feel a tad out of place

I would not call the Gripen domestic SAAF, it has contributed but the Gripen is Sweedish, seing SAAF viechelse i would not deny could help Brittian tho

When I said domestic I meant the Cheetah I know the Gripen was Swedish built

Ahh, i see where i missunderstood there, sorry

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