Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

It will be tes but slower πŸ˜’

Go search the Alpha jet on the internet.

Makes sense there early jets were basically german

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It was Oliviia 's leaklist just ahead of the Sturmtiger event:


As long they make Dorchester 2I work it will be worth it

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there arent realy any, lets hope they decide soon to buy either the f16 or the chinese plane, the chinese one would be funnier i guess bit more diversity

I did and I found this hehe

Swear to god if we get another damn challenger 2 next patch…



There are even german variants

Either that or something low tier (as light tanks are a Taboo)

well their isnt realy any mbts besides the challenger, of course light tanks would be great for britain

…we dont need a new mbt atm only to have ths current ones fixed, we need ifvs much more as were screwed for fast little quick firing tanks


Idk what that air force is, Is that Korea everyone is on about ?

East Germany you bozo ofc

Who Poland ? I never knew the Alpha jet flow for Poland

Why are you even writing those things?

Vickers Mk 11, Iron Duke and Renown, man, those leaks took a while to become reality

Oh yeah, Challenger 3 is for the longer term, when more info about it is available.

What would Challenger 2 Megatron be like, if I may ask? Just Challenger 2 TES, except with additional 25mm thick plates on the turret sides?