Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Or people should learn to use the rangefinder to identify tanks.

For sim yea but not for RB as we have a mixed battles now and we have Swedish too

Never played ground sim, so I wouldn’t know if its easy or hard to identify captured tanks there, but I do know that captured planes in air sim are extremely frustrating

Fun fact, that thing had 5! Shells. As ammoracks inside Cr2 were not capable of storing 1 piece ammo, they were just placed on the floor in the crew compartment. So yea, doubt it will come.

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Would at least have D-tech hull ingame, AKA 600mm KE.

All 2A6 ingame has C-tech.

They can be pretty hard to identify at close ranges since you can have only a second or two to react. Even worse since people on both sides will have Shermans plastered with US flags on them. Hell, you’re pretty much guaranteed to see a Chinese Patton or French Panther teamkilled every time someone spawns one in.

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no thats the thing, there is not any offical sources that state an armor upgrade in the hull, only for the side skirts might have been D tech, but the hull armor has no confirmation, but the 2A7V got offical statements for armor ugprades over the 2a7

2A7V’s armor upgrade is the MEXAS-H add-on armor modules, not an internal change.

As far as I’ve read, 2A7 has a new nano-ceramic based internal composition that would increase the protection levels to the D-tech standard.

Remember we are talking about a tank unveiled in 2010 here!

Sounds like perfect addtion clearly to balance the really good era and engine and turret rotation i hope

everything i learned until now said otherwise, nothing realy stating it did

remember we are talking about a time where the military was criticaly underfunded, the 2A7V is what the 2A7 was originaly supposed to be, but they had to cut back on it because the funds were missing

The Leclerc XLR is in a weird spot in the sense that is mostly a electronical modernization (LWS+AZUR ERA), not a full MLU like SEP V2 or 2A7+.

New shells for it would be IM3M and SHARD Mk.1

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Iirc the Challenger 2 megatron was found in some model leak or in the files somewhere, although I can’t seem to find it.

That seems much more likely than the Challenger 3.

Ignore the massive hole between the G.91 R3 and the Tornado IDS ASSTA1

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Needs some alpha jets

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Hungary will more than fill that gap

But it isn’t that much better then what we have

ehh, do you wanna put hungary air into german tree now?

He was talking about the german tornado.

That didn’t stop gaijin before.

It’s already more than some other nations could get. And seeing as 11.7 will likely move to rank VIII ground it wouldn’t need to be significantly better.

Ah I thought you meant Italy lmao.

For Germany I won’t mind some Argentinan aircraft