Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

In comparison to the past few event modes this one is rather unique to say the least

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Especially the asymmetrical nature of it.

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Well, this next update should be pretty gamechanging (I hope) for British players and Swedish Players.
We’ve already had confirmation that Britian will recieve a new top tier jet by Smin (Although “in the future” could mean 5 years from now and i’m not sure if he said next update or this year)
And we’ve had Gripen C confirmed by the developers on the RU forums.

They could give Gripen C skyflashes, but I doubt it, big time. We’ll likely see early ARH missiles join the mix and if Gaijin wants to make it not a complete clusterf*ck, they’d need to put these at 13.7 at least

As for Britian, I think the strongest contender for Britian is the CF-18. It’s AIM-7 capable, carries the same IRs and same SARHs we see in the game at the moment, comparable speed, worse handling than F-16, but more armament. It’s a wonder it’s not already in the game given the climate.

Outside of that, we could have Tornado Sustainment Programme (dead on arrival), Sea Harrier FA.2 which would have the most powerful radar set in the game but on a 9.3 airframe, Some hawker prototype or something, or a SAAF Gripen. Anything else is pretty unlikely.

All in all, it’ll be a pretty decisive update for sure

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2023 I suspected we’ll see a MiG-29G

now Gripen is the only option

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oh god

Or it’ll be an F/A-18

according to the requirements for Regular rank only Moderator approved Flags count but that’s just sth we’ll need to do a little more research for ig

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F/A-18C or CF-18 would be a great fit for WT imo
The handling isn’t too great owing to it being a naval aircraft, the speed is practically the same as the F-16, the aircraft is far heavier so it’ll bleed speed harder than F-16 does, it can’t pull 9Gs like F-16, The weapon load doesn’t matter since that’s where Gaijin balances aircraft capability, it’ll have a HMD, it’ll have AIM9Ls and Ms, and AIM-7s…
The only questionmark is CF-18s and F/A-18Cs radar set capability and how comparable it is to F-16Cs

if it’s like in DCs the F/A-18 should win every 2 circle dogfight but idk how the F-16s handle in WT
im a German/sweden main

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Well, the Hawk 200 would be a contender for top tier as an AMRAAM platform

The radar set is just a slightly downsized F-16 radar, the weapons would be the same as the FA.2 and it being subsonic obviously doesn’t matter if the FA.2 is a contender as well.

Australia and Canada are only likely options if they actually plan on adding a F/A-18 in the december update, which I highly doubt they are

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F/A-18 (Australian)
Tornado Sust. Programme (AMRAAM Tornado)
Sea Harrier FA.2
Gripen C (SAAF)
and MAYBE something like the Tejas?

Those are my personal thoughts on what’s most likely to come.

They’re adding Gripen C next update, for sure. With a top tier british jet coming as well.
CF-18 / FA18 isn’t too insane imo

Tejas would be an interesting vehicles, but that’s gotta be among the least likely vehicles to ever be added to War Thunder

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If: AMRAAM = Yes

  • Tornado Sus. Prog.
    else: Gripen C(SA) or D(UK)

It’s not that they are insane or anything, but rather that I don’t see any reason to give the US their third (or even fourth if they get the AV-8B+) unique top tier airframe

Gripen D has been denied by Smin as no other private business vehicles exist in WT

so that one’s out of the pott

also I think we should move this to off topic

We’re discussing rumors about the december update, aren’t we?

I’ve seen this take a lot and I get it but consider - Harrier GR.7
America MADE Harrier II, and needed a ground strike aircraft at the time. It’s been a full year since the UK got the AV-8B N/A and no sign of the US getting it despite it being a staple of the Marine Corps

Just because the F/A-18 or CF-18 has roots in American aviation does not mean that they’d get it as well, as ludicrous as that sounds.