Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Gripen A can carry Skyflashes, so the Gripen C could get placeholder Skyflashes, just like the F-16C and Barak II got placeholder Sparrows

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Placeholder loadouts based on what was physically possible is totally different than fictional non-integrated missiles.

So why no placeholder PL11s on the J8F?

I don’t know, ask gaijin why they decided to give Israel and US placeholders, but not China

US could use them on Block 50 as well as Israeli with Block 40 iirc. It just was never done in service.

Are you seriously considering Gripen C with four AIM-9L and two Skyflash as top tier material or even F-16ADF equivalent?

Also addition of two literally the same Gripens in the same update is highly unlikely. (A and C are pretty much like Viggen C and D difference)

Mate, if I was in charge of that stuff I wouldnt even have entered Gen 4. If Gaijin considers the Viggen, the Tornados and late Gen 3 as top tier material then a Gripen C with 9Ls and Skyflashes would be top tier material as well.

We don’t know if they A is coming the only one who which is confirmed is the C.
If any of you have paid attention to the winter event then you will know they. Like to add a event version of one of the main aircraft that was added in or around the December update.

Tornados in Apex
Tornado in the Winter event

Mig-23 MLA Wind of change
Mig-23 MF in the Winter event

Mig-21 PFM
Mig 21 Bis - New power


I have an unfortunate feeling one of the event vehicles is gonna be the A4M or A6E SWIP and the TT will be the non event addition, those are basically the only 2 vehicles not added this patch off that leak list


Well since the Americans haven’t had a event aircraft in a while I would imagine them adding ether a porotype aircraft of ether the F-16 or the F-14 or adding copies of them from the main tree taking the Aim-9L away there for reducing the BR and slap on early.


I will be happy to wait for the German Mig-29 as a reward, based solely on your logic

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F16XL when

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The funny thing is I’m with you on that as well lmao

A-7K was April this year, there are other nations that haven’t even had high rank event planes yet

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You just have to pick one dark cloud in the sky.

I doubt we will ever see a top tier event vehicle for a minor again
As they seeing where the money goes and Gromv confirmed awhile back Germany is the most played nation.

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Even if they refuse to add high rank event vehicles for minor nations, the US and USSR both got one this year already. Hell, the US even got that LOSAT.

Unless you count every nation that isn’t US and USSR as minor nations there still are others that are much more likely to get the main prizes of the winter event

Until minor nations catch up in volume. Event vehicles are definitely best suited for the most played nations, because they’re already filled with vehicles and can put time into adding goofier prototypes or otherwise hard to place vehicles.

Italy, China, France, and Sweden will likely have vehicles pop up every now and then. But after the EBR situation, it’s definitely best to avoid for the time being.


It just so happens that the major nations have the vehicles that make sense as event vehicles

Prototype Su-27 with only Fox 1’s & 2’s as an event vehicle, totally would work. R-77 came very soon after, but was not an originally designed weapon for the LPFI/PFI program.

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You mean like this :)

Im not sure what’s “usual” about a new mode we have never had and types of Submarines we have never had before too.