Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Hoping that this update fixes that issue but not with ether the Tornado or another Harrier

It will be either Shar 2, F3 FSP(i refuse to say CSP) or something unexpected

Well since Smin have now said that there is no rules for SA aircraft now Iโ€™m now hoping for a Gripen

we have expected all possibilities

Itโ€™d certainly be surprising if this patch is as snooze inducing as the last two or three.

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They did just remove the SA heil from the store

It will come back for GE sooner or later

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yeah the italian one appeared as GE now as well

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Its sales were too low, so it got taken off

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ah yes, most likely for the FOMO โ€œsalesโ€ on national holidays


where you have the privilege to be allowed to buy a vehicle (At full price)

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i doubt the chinese heli got taken of because of low sales as well, it pretty much was the best spaa china had available

Im talking about Rooivalk, not z19. There are multiple reasons why things get taken off.

but both got removed, why should it be different case?

Only for mavericks. Good luck doing long range LGB drops with the speed of an A-10 lol.

โ€”__-- It can be removed because it does not sell, because it is too weak, because they can make more money on it with ge. Not everything is the same. You made a pointless question.

Isnโ€™t the Z-19E a regular GE premium now?

And the Turkish heli I think too


They just need to be wingtip if carried in a 2x configuration. Those do not look like the correct rails either, but too blurry. Itโ€™s a hell of a Big Foot sighting though.

You can get the Barak skin on live and sparrow rails, with aim-120s incorrectly placed on inner pylons unless carrying more than 2x. its fake imo.