Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Where is muh FT-17 :(

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Mhm at least I’ve backed off and deleted my comments from earlier so I won’t get the ban hammer : D

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I think it was Gandhi who said that


Yugoslavia, BeNeLux, and Visegrad would all have a bunch of indigenous and modified stuff, and thus are good to be added.


WW1 tanks are a bit too slow and weak but i do want WW1 planes tho

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shifty german eyes

Would be nothing but a meme. If I remember correctly, the FT-17 could be penetrated by regular 7,5mm, and of course the main gun is garbage.

What about the Panzer 1 though? Couldn’t they add it as an anti air or something? Maybe early Panzer 2s with the leaf suspension… ugh, there are lots of early ww2 vehicles they could add but they just keep adding modern stuff mainly.

You sure you want 100 km/h plane gameplay?

People seem to enjoy the Po-2, so…

I’m fairly neutral towards them, so I wont argue for or against them.

However they were litterally arguing for sub trees for a tree that doesn’t even exist yet, and likely won’t exist in the next major update. I think that honestly crosses a line of insane discussion.

Ah shit you got me. I was trying to make myself look smarter that I am lol.


smaller maps shouldn’t be too hard

Fair enough.

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And Il-2 GB flying circus

Actually I’m neutral towards benelux. Korea closely followed by Yugoslavia are my personal favourite new nation proposals.

I mean, in arcade I could see them being fun, just like old flight games such as Red Baron or Wings

yeah honestly 1.0 and 1.3 is already crappy in realistic it won’t make a difference

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I’m not fan of that subtree thing even if its needed for some nations be added, because or it will create an frankenstein TT with(like uk is becoming) or will make a lot of vehicles being split into some trees or ignored my bigest fear as a brazilian player is if someday brazil comes to the game see lots of vehicles being ignored or even ground and air trees split into 2 nations or air tree become some premium vehicles divided into 3 nations but i agree that 2 weaker nations can be turned into one TT if they complement the weakness of each other, as much as i suport brazil as an independent TT in reality it lacks of any top tier AA stoping at Roland, but i hope we can see lots of new nations and i hope that those nations not sufer from being divided into 2 or more nations subtrees

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It is nice to see confirmation (unconfirmation?) of everyone getting Fox 3s at the same time. I thought that’d be kinda hard to do as that would mean we’d have to give almost everyone a new aircraft and even for a big update there’s more to WT than just air.

I think what this really means is we can’t assume we’ll see F-15s and Su-27s at the same time, let alone seeing them at all this December. For me, that means I’m going back into hopium of maybe XF-2A with 9L and 7Ms (or AAM-3s while everyone gets Fox 3s).

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as far as i understood it not everyone will receive fox 3 at the same time, some might earlier the others
