Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

it will be between this Friday and next Friday

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I forgot it was Monday :D

Though they don’t do Mondays usually so tomorrow is still on the cards

I forgot that it’s monday too ._. maybe because it just turned Tuesday

One hour behind So it’s still Monday :(

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my condolences

No, it is not nice. It is absolutely horrible.

It’s Tuesday, you non-Australian dropkick.

I’m in the land that gave birth to humanity

The country of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

na realistically this means we will see F-15 and Su-27 this update while the rest can go cry in a corner


And I’m in the country with the best slang.

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I am in the country that uhhh… Makes cheese almost as good as the swiss? and also wine to go with it!

And bread.

idk Austria isn’t that Known for their bread

Wallace is that you ?

Ah, I thought it was Germany.

it was until 2 Majors ago

I said slightly worse cheese than the swiss, not better

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Austria has that town with the really funny name.

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They’re more like oversized corvettes, Sa’ar class to be specific.

Tbh they’re better off remaining coastal only as a tree, if at all.

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they have a few with funny names, this is just the most popular one