Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Some of the East European nations would fit well in a Yugoslav tree.


I think the 2-3 independent trees they could and should add are Yugoslavia, Iberia and Beneleux, in that order imo.

Visegrad could work, also.

To be fair israel and China can already barely have a navy to compete with the other nations.

Iirc israel’s blue water tree is a hand full of destroyers.

I want that one Chinese ship which just has a T-62 or something like that on its deck.

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Imo Israel should’ve never been added. Like, ok, you’ve got tanks (starting at certain BR), planes but 0 ships. On the other hand I don’t know if they’re even planning to add the Chinese fleet. I don’t know what’s their criteria to add X country as an independent tree, because honestly, at this pace, anything with a bunch of modern tanks and copy paste planes could be added.


Ah yes, the tech tree that consists of at least 6 individual nations


Let’s just add entire continents as tech trees.


13th century Chinese naval tree when


I think even Sweden is screwed with their navy when it comes to higher tier.

Like yeah they can compete with the destroyers and light cruisers, but iirc they don’t have heavy cruisers or battleships (and no I’m not counting the few coastal defense ships as competitive battleships).

no, its BeNeLux. Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. They are a combined force (sort of).
If Gaijin wants to add Suriname, Lots of African countries and Indonesia. They can add those nations to BeNeLux since these countries were BeNeLux soil.

that’s a big can of worms let’s not get ahead of ourselves


I believe they have one heavy cruiser, but that’s as far as it’ll get.

That’s my point. From my point of view it’s unfair to have nations that can’t fight in some battlefields.

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You guys are still on it ?

Indonesia and the Netherlands don’t really have a connection, and after all the fucked up shit we did there they shouldn’t be placed with us.

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Reminds me of Britain and SA tbh

the Japanese were worse, and if indonesia gets added before BeNeLux, they go to China or most likely Japan.

the only thing i’ll say is that’s not relevant to war thunder

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