Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

That is not true in any way. Korea would have very little indigenous and modified aircraft while Yugoslavia would have tonnes from tier 1 to 7 and a handful at tier 8 (much better than some nations already in game), and Poland in general just doesn’t have as much across the board.

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No, you’re not. Where people get the idea that South Korea has a lot of indigenous aircraft I do not know.

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The weird thing is that technically the HAD Block 2 is Spanish, since they’re the ones that operate Spike ER on their Tigers.

lucky tech trees arent relegated to ingenious designs, the korean air force keeps being superior overall

And the fact that the overwhelming majority of vehicles would be copy and paste makes it significantly worse than a tree with the majority of vehicles being indigenous and modified.

to be fair, the french eurocopters always were a monstrosity, they arent able to shoot Hot 3 missles either, but here we are

Sounds fair.

It would be nice to see a pre-teaser for the next update before any dev-blogs.
Like a tiny teaser for the big teaser.
i would really like that.

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It’d be nice if they did things like with Drone Age, yeah.


What about the BMD-1/2? I’ve been waiting for those symbolic vehicles for ages…

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Since, now we are sitting here in the dark - waiting - while getting hints its going to be an amazing update.

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They would be nice.

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the competitive planes for yougoslavia wouldn’t be indigenous designs either, specially at top tier.

We know it’ll be big; whether it’ll be good, however, is an entirely different kettle of fish.

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Indigenous and modified.

The dutch have the planes (and ships). The belgians have the tanks (and actually generally effective record or war-fighting). The Luxemburgers have one attack helicopter.

true… lets not hope for the worst…

and TOW vehicle

Luxembourg also has a Humvee with a TOW launcher on it, so there’s that, and when I said “barely anything”, I was referring to across all branches. I am aware that there are quite a few Dutch aircraft and ships.

They have a lot of unique stuff. More then other nations that have been passed to devs.