Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)


not quite, the one which was shown a few updates ago had a Black nose instead of the Gray one the ICE would have

yk that one russian guy who really loves germany showed it (I can’t type his name)

i just meaned the model, recolouring the nose realy isnt hard work

Maybe it was just WIP, and they hadn’t changed the nose yet.

well the Model is I believe visually identical to the regular F4F but ain’t sure about that

I’m not 100% certain on this, but I am pretty sure the F-4F ICE would use the same model as the F-4E

here you go

or, since not all F4Fs got the ICE upgrade it could be a new skin for the regular one

That’s annoying. So, France will be left out for ages for the umpteenth time in a row.


well the Modules would be very diffrent

on the topic I wonder if they ever add the whole computer stuff in the damage model, like those surely took some space

I mean, fair, but we aren’t usually able to see those modules from the outside ingame

Lmao yeah a general Su-27 discussion thread for both Chinese and Russian players would be good

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About the person called _woe

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not really either korea or poland are much better proposals, by a long shot.

Mhm he been attacking me and calling for me to have a ban because god for bid I have an option


don’t get me wrong, i know that Korea has a strong ground top tier.
but saying it’s much better than Yugoslavia by a long shot? er…

As someone representing France who’s against Germany becoming the EU tech tree.
Them getting the Netherlands is a part of the plan if it isn’t meant to become an independent tree. If Germany was becoming the EU tech tree we’d be the first to be up in arms.

yeah, specially if you take into account the air force.

i can just say again and again, sweden and italy are more eu tech tree then germany ever will be

you mean where korea only has 1 or 2 light attack jets? or am i horribly wrong