Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

i do, i wholy agree that benelux has plenty unique low tier additions, but the rest is just mehhh and not enough of a reason for me


Dude that’s totally fine that you are only interested in modern equipment but that’s you personally and not the majority right?

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ah i see what’s it’s all about now, it never was an objective judgment, you just want your F-16 and Apache in the German tree and you are ready to disparage anything that gets in the way (in this case, a Benelux tree)


I understand that.

Guys can we end it now

I don’t know if one exists, but its pretty damn easy to use your brain and figure it out. You can fill out every rank with a sufficient number of vehicles for air and ground with only vehicles operated by Poland. You can’t do that with the Netherlands without making it a combination package with the Belgians, and right now Gaijin doesn’t do that so the tree literally cannot exist right now.

of course, and i only ever expressed my opinions, nothing i say is craved into stone, but i would say that i do have valid points as well. as example i was wrong about the cockatrill turret and mr boo educated me that those are unique as a result i apologised and see the greatness in them, they would make great tanks in a sub tree where gajin can focus on truely unique additions and can leave out the copy paste stuff


I enjoy WW2 more than I ever had post, cold or modern. At the same time, I’m not a fan of Isreal style trees.

So nations like the Benelux are fine to me.

So I’d rather have WW2 nations even if they need sub-trees to work.


Yeah actually. I’m sorry for part taking in this offtopic stuff but it’s a really interesting topic to talk about. And it’s also interesting to get other people’s opinions even if they aren’t the same that I have.

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But them not doing it at the moment doesn’t mean it couldn’t be done in the future.

Benelux containment thread when?

that is not true either, it is just that netherlands fits the role the best, as i stated earlier, Spain would fit the role and requirements as well same as poland, BUT germany has no real connection to spain that would warrant a sub tree additions, while germany and the netherlands are very close and work together. And i dont need to say why a polish sub tree would be a bad idea right?

honestly can’t wait for the ground suggestion to be released so that all this off topic can be moved over there

suggestion being forwarded to the developers dont mean anything and you know that as well lol

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I totally get your point and from where you are coming. Maybe I’m a little biased towards a benelux tree because I have certain vehicles in them which I want ingame and alot of my friends are from the Netherlands which is why they want there nation represented in the game. But you and me can agree on the point that Yugoslavia would be really cool.

I’m not saying it shouldn’t be done, I’m saying that any nation that can not stand on its own should be temporarily skipped in favor of nations that can. In this case Poland and Yugoslavia should come first, then the Netherlands can fight Korea over who comes first.


i didn’t talk about being passed to developers, i only meant published

honestly i dont even now what kind of vehicle they realy have, i just know they have plenty of heavily modified russian stuff, which benelux just doesnt have, their modifications are minimal if any

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fair enough

Also a valid point. A good one tbh. Well I really don’t like your hate towards the implementation of submarines but you have a good point on this topic. But as I stated multiple times just because I have a different opinion or stance doesn’t mean we can’t talk to eachother in a nice manner.